Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Different Type of Pains

Opening Comments
Well, we are really making serious headway thru the many questions I gave you to help determine your own cause(s) of back pain. Here is a small refresher of those questions. I hope so far you understand more about the reasons for your own back pain. Hopefully, you have practiced some of the methods or techniques in my newsletter to help you get rid of your back pain for good.
Questions To Determine Your Cause Of Back Pain/Circle All “Yes” Answers
1. Do I suffer from a congenital condition or was I born with a spinal condition?2. Do I not pay attention to my posture either sitting or standing?3. Do I not practice good posture either sitting or standing?4. Have I suffered from a recent car accident or fall and subsequently experienced back pain not long after?5. Do I do a lot of heavy lifting or bending over in my job or at home?6. Do I perform an unnatural repetitive motion at work or at home?7. Do I not practice safe lifting techniques?8. Am I 20 pounds or more overweight?9. Do I not eat enough fruits and vegetables?10.Do I not drink enough water? 8-12 glasses per day?11.Do I eat too many sweets and foods containing sugar?12.Have I been diagnosed with osteoporosis or arthritis?13.Do I lead a sedentary lifestyle? Am I a couch potato?14.Am I under a lot of stress? Do I suffer with anxiety?15.Do I have trouble sleeping?
In this issue of my newsletter I would like to look at questions 10 and 11 in order to determine more potential causes of back pain.
**Question 10**
Do I not drink enough water? 8-12 glasses per day? Yes!
Joes's Comments:
Does anyone actually measure the amount of water he or she drinks in a day? I really doubt it. Besides, we all have more important things to worry about, right? Well, if you think about it, drinking water is probably one of the most important things we do on an everyday basis. Water is the body's most essential nutrient. It utterly depends on it for survival. After all, roughly 60% of the human body is made up of water. Every cell in your body requires water for transporting oxygen and eliminating harmful wastes. Water also helps regulate our body temperature. It keeps us from overheating. Water protects our joints and the disks along our spine. It keeps them from wearing out so quickly which keeps us from experiencing back pain on a regular basis.
So it is very important to have a better understanding of how much water we drink daily. First of all, how much water SHOULD we drink on a daily basis? Answer: It varies. The standard rule of thumb over the years is 8-12 (8 fluid oz) glasses of water. However, recently 9-13 glasses is being recommended depending on whether you are male or female--Nine glasses of water per day for females and 13 glasses per day for males.
But what if a man is smaller than a woman? What if one person exercises more than another person? What if a person is sick and perspires a lot? What if a person drinks a lot of coffee or alcohol which makes him or her dehydrated? There are a lot of hidden variables or factors that make it ludicrous to think 9 glasses or 12 glasses of water is sufficient for the human body.
So what can we do to make sure we are getting enough water? Well, you MUST listen to your body? The number one sign of dehydration is thirst. If you are thirsty or experience dry mouth perhaps your body needs water because it is dehydrated. Also, Working up a good sweat at the gym or after exercise is usually a pretty good indication that your body needs water. Aches and pains in your joints and muscles; lower back pain; constipation and headaches are other indicators that your body is dehydrated. On the more unpleasant side, a strong odor or darker color to your urine probably means you are not getting enough water. So, listen to your body and drink up!
But what if your body isn't really saying a whole lot? In other words, your body isn't showing signs or symptoms of dehydration. Well, it probably means you are doing something right. You are probably drinking enough water. So keep up the good work.
One more thing: I usually find myself drinking a lot of water on three separate occassions-the day of and one or two days after an intense workout; during an illness or flu; and whenever I experience a bout of sciatica or back pain.
If my muscles are sore for whatever reason, I know they need water for a quick recovery. After all 70% of muscle is actually made up of water. So make sure you drink plenty of water because your muscles will need it.
Now, as a spinal stenosis sufferer I have learned several ways to manage my back pain. One of the ways I manage it is by taking care of my body. Drinking lots of water is a great way to help the muscles in your back including the discs in your back. It is so important to keep your discs hydrated so they can maintain their buoyancy and their integrity. If they dry up and lose their structure it is only going to cause you a lot of back pain in the future. So be sure to drink lots of water at all times but especially if you feel back pain on a frequent basis.
**Question 11**
Do I eat too many sweets and foods containing sugar? Yes!
Joe's Comments: You probably know or at least have some idea that eating foods or sweets with a lot of sugar can lead to back pain as well as a multitude of other ailments. But do you know why? Well, it goes much deeper than "sugar makes us fat and being fat leads to back pain." There is a lot more to it than that. Perhaps if you truly understand why sugar can cause back pain you will be more aware and maybe even show more restraint the next time a co-worker or a friend tosses you a creme stick or glazed donut.
To help you understand a little better, let's look at a path of progression to see how "eating sweets" can lead to back pain. It all starts with that seemingly harmless decision to eat or drink a sweet that contains a lot of sugar. It could be a soda, donut, candy bar, hard candy,cookie, cake, pie, etc. The list is too long to mention all the foods with high sugar content. And granted it's ok to eat sweets once in a while. I mean life wouldn't be as fun without them; but a consistent diet of sweets will increase your chances for back pain. Let me explain.
Eating food increases your blood sugar levels. A higher blood sugar level increases your insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone secreted by your pancreas that bridges the gap between your body's cells and sugar. Basically insulin carries sugar (your cells' main energy source) to your body's cells so they can survive. Without insulin your cells would simply starve and die.
Normal levels of insulin are perfectly healthy. However, eating sweets and foods high in sugar dramatically increases your sugar level which dramatically increases your insulin levels beyond what is normal. An excess amount of insulin in the body can lead to a host of serious health problems. I have included an article in this newsletter that talks more about some of these potential health risk; but for the purpose of our discussion concerning back pain I will just talk about one of them.
One of the dangers of high insulin levels is the manifestation of a hormone called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins, manifested from an enzyme, are actually sent to areas of pain and inflammation in the body. They are the actual cause of your pain. Prostaglandins disturb your nerves and make you feel pain. Prostaglandins do this in order to attract white blood cells. White blood cells of course are the little soldiers of your immune system. They go to the areas of pain and inflammation to help your body resist and fight infection.
It is important to understand that not all prostaglandins are bad. Your body needs prostaglandins to act as a sort of wake up call for your immune system. They are also good because they help reduce the formation of blood clots that could lead to heart attack or stroke.
The problem lies in having too many prostaglandins. An overabundance of prostaglandins will cause you a lot of pain and inflammation.
If you would like to learn more about prostaglandins be sure to sign up for my FREE special tendonitis reports at www.TotalTendonitisRelief.com. This report shows you why prescription drugs, mainly CoX-2 inhibitors and NSAIDs are potentially dangerous and how you can seek a safer alternative for a healthier you.
I hope now you understand more why it is so important to stay away from sweets and foods with a lot of sugar. The less sweets and sugar-laden foods you eat, the less insulin your body will produce. The less insulin your body will produce, the less "bad" prostaglandins your body will produce which will minimize your pain and inflammation.
Thank you very much for reading and I will see you next time.
Articles Of Interest
How much water should you drink each day? — a simple question with no easy answers. Studies have produced varying recommendations over the years, but in truth, your water needs depend on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live.
Though no single formula fits everyone, knowing more about your body's need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day.
Health benefits of water
Water is your body's principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions.
How much water do you need?
Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.
A couple of approaches attempt to approximate water needs for the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate.
Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is 1.5 liters a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace the lost fluids. Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3.0 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day. Even apart from the above approaches, it is generally the case that if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce between one and two liters of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.
Factors that influence water needs
You may need to modify your total fluid intake depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, your health status, and if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.
The more you exercise, the more fluid you'll need to keep your body hydrated. An extra 1 or 2 cups of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise, but intense exercise lasting more than an hour (for example, running a marathon) requires additional fluid. How much additional fluid is needed depends on how much you sweat during the exercise, but 13 to26 ounces (or about 2 to 3 cups) an hour will generally be adequate, unless the weather is exceptionally warm.
During long bouts of intense exercise, it's best to use a sports drink that contains sodium, as this will help replace sodium lost in sweat and reduce the chances of developing hyponatremia, which can be life-threatening. Fluid also should be replaced after exercise. Drinking 16 ounces of fluid per pound of body weight lost during exercise is recommended.
Hot or humid weather can make you sweat and requires additional intake of fluid. Heated indoor air also can cause your skin to lose moisture during wintertime. Further, altitudes greater than 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) may trigger increased urination and more rapid breathing, which use up more of your fluid reserves.
Illnesses or health conditions
Signs of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting and diarrhea, cause your body to lose additional fluids. In these cases you should drink more water and may even need oral rehydration solutions, such as Gatorade, Powerade or Ceralyte. Certain conditions, including bladder infections or urinary tract stones, also require increased water intake. On the other hand, certain conditions such as heart failure and some types of kidney, liver and adrenal diseases may impair excretion of water and even require that you limit your fluid intake.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding
Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. Large amounts of fluid are lost especially when nursing. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 2.4 liters (about 10 cups) of fluids daily and women who breast-feed consume 3.0 liters (about 12.5 cups) of fluids a day.
Beyond the tap: Other sources of water
Although it's a great idea to keep water within reach at all times, you don't need to rely only on what you drink to satisfy your fluid needs. What you eat also provides a significant portion of your fluid needs. On average, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake, while the remaining 80 percent comes from water and beverages of all kinds.
For example, many fruits and vegetables — such as watermelon and cucumbers — are nearly 100 percent water by weight. Beverages such as milk and juice are also comprised mostly of water. Even beer, wine and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea or soda can contribute, but these should not be a major portion of your daily total fluid intake. Water is one of your best bets because it's calorie-free, inexpensive and readily available.
Dehydration and complications
Failing to take in more water than your body uses can lead to dehydration. Even mild dehydration — as little as a 1 percent to 2 percent loss of your body weight — can sap your energy and make you tired. Common causes of dehydration include strenuous activity, excessive sweating, vomiting and diarrhea.
Signs and symptoms of dehydration include:
Mild to excessive thirst Fatigue Headache Dry mouth Little or no urination Muscle weakness Dizziness Lightheadedness Mild dehydration rarely results in complications — as long as the fluid is replaced quickly — but more-severe cases can be life-threatening, especially in the very young and the elderly. In extreme situations, fluids or electrolytes may need to be delivered intravenously.
Staying safely hydrated
It's generally not a good idea to use thirst alone as a guide for when to drink. By the time one becomes thirsty, it is possible to already be slightly dehydrated. Further, be aware that as you get older your body is less able to sense dehydration and send your brain signals of thirst. Excessive thirst and increased urination can be signs of a more serious medical condition. Talk to your doctor if you experience either.
To ward off dehydration and make sure your body has the fluids it needs, make water your beverage of choice. Nearly every healthy adult can consider the following:
-Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal. -Hydrate before, during and after exercise. -Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings. -If you drink water from a bottle, thoroughly clean or replace the bottle often. Refill only bottles that are designed for reuse.
Though uncommon, it is possible to drink too much water. When your kidneys are unable to excrete the excess water, the electrolyte (mineral) content of the blood is diluted, resulting in a condition called hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood). Endurance athletes — such as marathon runners — who drink large amounts of water are at higher risk of hyponatremia. In general, though, drinking too much water is rare in healthy adults who consume an average American diet.
If you're concerned about your fluid intake, check with your doctor or a registered dietitian. He or she can help you determine the amount of water that's best for you.
Joe's Comments: I think we all know that drinking water and staying hydrated is important but perhaps we don't practice it as much as we should. Over the years not drinking enough water can have ill effects on our joints, the disks in our back, our muscles, and our overall health. So please be aware of how much or how little water you drink. Your back will only thank you for it.
Finally we all want to put clean water in our bodies. Your tap water might appear clean but it is still a good idea to have a filter catch any dangerous contaminants that might exist. The solution to filtering out these contaminants is a good water purification system. If you are interested in your own water purification system, I highly recommend you check out Crystal Quest® Water Filters. I'm very proud to be linked to CRYSTAL QUEST® as an affiliate.
Joe’s Back TipsArticle #2
THE DANGERS OF HIGH INSULIN AND SUGARFrom: Healthy Family Talk RadioChristine Horner, MD
It's estimated that the average American eats almost his or her entire body weight in sugar every year. Cancer cells love sugar. It's their preferred fuel. The more sugar you eat, the faster cancer cells grow. Your pancreas responds to sugar by releasing insulin, the hormone that escorts sugar into your cells. When you eat refined simple sugars, such as white table sugar, candy, cookies, or other sugar-laden foods, your blood sugar levels rise very quickly. Your pancreas responds by releasing a lot of insulin. That's not good. High insulin levels are one of the biggest risk factors and promoters of breast cancer. Women with high insulin levels have a 283 percent greater risk of breast cancer.
When it comes to breast cancer, insulin is no friend. One of the biggest reasons is due to the fact that both normal breast cells and cancer cells have insulin receptors on them. When insulin attaches to its receptor, it has the same effect as when estrogen attaches to its receptor; it causes cells to start dividing. The higher your insulin levels are, the faster your breast cells will divide; the faster they divide, the higher your risk of breast cancer is and the faster any existing cancer cells will grow.
There's also another detriment that high insulin levels can inflict. It makes more estrogen available to attach to the estrogen receptors in breast tissue. Insulin regulates how much of the estrogen in your blood is available to attach to estrogen receptors in your breast tissue. When estrogen travels in the blood, it either travels alone seeking an estrogen receptor, or it travels with a partner, a protein binder, that prevents it from attaching to an estrogen receptor. Insulin regulates the number of protein binders in the blood. So, the higher your insulin levels are, the fewer the number of protein binders there will be and therefore the more free estrogen that will be available to attach to estrogen receptors.
In other words, when your insulin levels are up, free-estrogen levels are up, and both of them speed up cell division. That's why high insulin levels increase your risk of breast cancer so much. Eating sugar increases your risk of breast cancer in another way. It delivers a major blow to your immune system with the force of a prize fighter. Your immune system is your natural defense against such invaders as bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Research shows that right after you eat a high-sugar meal, your immune system function drops drastically. Sugar decreases T lymphocyte (a type of white blood cell), function by 50-94 percent. This effect lasts for a minimum of five hours. This means that right after you've eaten a lot of sugar, your body's ability to fight off invaders or destroy cancer cells is tremendously weakened for several hours.
Over a period of time, eating too much sugar can create imbalances that lead to two more deadly diseases: obesity and diabetes. Both of these diseases dangerously increase your risk of breast cancer and their rates have alarmingly increased in the United States in the past two decades. An estimated 60 percent of the adult population are overweight and 5 percent have diabetes. Of those people who have diabetes, 90 percent are also overweight. Not only do these diseases increase your risk of breast cancer, but they also increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, poor circulation, stroke and infection.
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School (2004) found that women who ate high-glycemic foods that increase blood glucose levels as teenagers had a higher incidence of breast cancer later in life. So, encouraging your teenage daughter to cut back on sugar will help her to lower her risk of breast cancer for the rest of her life.
If you have a sweet tooth, you'll be relieved to know that you don't have to deprive yourself. There are a several natural sweeteners that taste great, and better yet, research has shown that instead of being dangerous to your health, they actually have several wonderful health-supporting qualities: Stevia lowers blood pressure and blood sugar in type 2 diabetics; Luo Han Guo alleviates coughs, sore throats, and upper respiratory-tract infections; Xylitol reduces bone loss, plaque on teeth, dental caries, infections in the mouth and nasopharynx, and promotes remineralization of tooth enamel.
Joe’s Comments:
I think the most alarming statistic here is that "women with high insulin levels have a 283% greater risk of breast cancer." That is absolutely astonishing. No wonder so many women are at risk. Dr. Horner also makes mention here the devastating effect high insulin has on the body's immune system. If your body is battling cancer or an illness or it is vulnerable to illness already, high insulin levels disable your immune system and increase your chances of getting cancer or becoming ill. So you can see that reducing your sugar intake and decreasing your insulin levels is beneficial in more ways than just getting rid of back pain.
Joe’s Back Pain Tips
I thought I would change things up a bit this time. I would like to throw out some helpful back pain tips that you should always keep in mind if you want to live completely back pain-free!
1. Stay positive no matter what.2. Don’t let anyone say you can’t do something because you have a bad back!3. Identify the root of the problem.4. Make a commitment to take action to help your back.5. Treat your back pain as a challenge rather than an obstacle. 6. Take a vacation or find a way to relieve unnecessary stress.7. Quit smoking!8. Be aware that you will have to make sacrifices for your back.9. Be aware of your posture either sitting or standing.10. Practice keeping and maintaining good posture.
Unfortunately you are the only one who really knows your OWN back pain. Nobody is going to help you as much as yourself. First, learn as much as you can about your own back pain. Everyone suffers back pain for different reasons. Once you learn why you are suffering with back pain, learn how to treat it effectively and TAKE ACTION! Stay positive and persistent no matter what. A negative attitude is only going to make your back feel so much worse. You must understand that you will have to make sacrifices for your back. I'm talking about eating better, exercising on a more regular basis, sitting upright instead of slouching, etc. Doing all of these things can only help you get rid of back pain.
Affiliate Announcement
It is finally available right now. If you or someone you know owns a website and would like to become an affiliate of Exclusive Health Products or Back Relief Elite, please goto www.backreliefelite.com and click the affiliate link to sign up.
Next Newsletter
Next time we will look at questions 12 and 13. What can people do who suffer with osteoporosis and/or arthritis. What can be done to help these kinds of back pain sufferers? Also, we will look at the couch potato. Why does lying on the couch or leading such a sedentary lifestyle cause back pain. I think we already know but what can be done about it as well. What are some things sedentary folks can try to help get rid of their back pain? Next time, I will have reader feedback and more back pain tips as well. Thanks so much for reading and I will talk to you next time.
coming Soon...I am working on setting up my own blog where you can go to read my past newsletters and read reader comments. I'm sure I will also have a lot more information for you on getting rid of your back pain. I will give you more details very soon.
Quick Note
If you send me an email, please leave your full name or initials along with place of residence. I would like to include this in the reader feedback/questions section of the newsletter. Also if you have any other suggestions to make my newsletter better, please let me know at mike@exclusivehealthproducts.com.For customer inquiries please email customerservice@exclusivehealthproducts.com
Tableble Of Contents:
1. Special Announcement2. Opening Comments: More Constructive Ways To Combat, Eliminate And Manage Each Cause Of Your Back Pain.3. Articles of Interest9 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR SALAD...SUPERYOUR HEALTH/ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: ENSURING THE OMEGA BALANCE4. TEN Back Relief Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Back Pain.5. Affiliate Announcement6. Next Newsletter
Special Announcement: Wow! So much is happening right now at Exclusive Health Products. I just had my very first back pain teleseminar with Jeff Brown, founder of Exclusive Health products. If you missed it don't worry because the entire back pain teleseminar is being replayed at www.secretstoapainfreeback.com/teleseminar.html
I have received so much positive feedback and I'm so glad I was able to help a lot of people with their back pain. Of course, during the teleseminar I also made a huge announcement about my Secrets To A Pain Free Back Power Pack that will be released shortly. You can preregister for my power pack of secrets to end your back pain at www.secretstoapainfreeback.com/teleseminar.html.
Also don't forget right now we are working on the brand new updated version of Back Relief Elite called Back Relief Elite 2 and Back Relief Extreme. These incredible remedies will be available in just a matter of weeks. Stay tuned for more updates about the release of these two incredible natural remedies for getting rid of back pain.
Opening Comments:
Well, we are really making serious headway thru the many questions I gave you to help determine your own cause(s) of back pain. Here is a small refresher of those questions. I hope so far you understand more about the reasons for your own back pain. Hopefully, you have practiced some of the methods or techniques in my newsletter to help you get rid of your back pain for good.
Questions To Determine Your Cause Of Back Pain/Circle All “Yes” Answers
1. Do I suffer from a congenital condition or was I born with a spinal condition?2. Do I not pay attention to my posture either sitting or standing?3. Do I not practice good posture either sitting or standing?4. Have I suffered from a recent car accident or fall and subsequently experienced back pain not long after?5. Do I do a lot of heavy lifting or bending over in my job or at home?6. Do I perform an unnatural repetitive motion at work or at home?7. Do I not practice safe lifting techniques?8. Am I 20 pounds or more overweight?9. Do I not eat enough fruits and vegetables?10.Do I not drink enough water? 8-12 glasses per day?11.Do I eat too many sweets and foods containing sugar?12.Have I been diagnosed with osteoporosis or arthritis?13.Do I lead a sedentary lifestyle? Am I a couch potato?14.Am I under a lot of stress? Do I suffer with anxiety?15.Do I have trouble sleeping?
In this issue of my newsletter I would like to look at question 12 in order to determine more potential causes of back pain.
**Question 12**
Have I been diagnosed with osteoporosis or arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis? Yes!
Joe’s Comments:
Osteoporosis is a major health threat for mostly millions of postmenopausal women. It is a bone disease that causes bones to break down and become brittle to the point where they are at high risk for fracture. Those who are very thin or have a small frame are at high risk for osteoporosis. Other high risk factors include having a family history of the disease; having had early menopause; having a low calcium intake (less than 1200 mg per day); having a low Vitamin D intake (not getting at least 400 I.U.'s per day); consuming too much meat or concentrated protein; not being physically active; being a smoker; and consuming too much alcohol, soda and/or coffee. Early signs of osteoporosis may start with sharp lower back pain which could mean a stress fracture. Signs of diminished height or a humpback look (kyphosis) is a good indication that the bones of the spine are losing substance and becoming porous.
Osteoporosis Management and Prevention Techniques
As you know I am a huge believer in a maintaining a strong nutrition plan and regular exercise routine. For strong and healthy bones, you absolutely must follow a strict nutrition plan that includes at least 1200 mg per day of calcium and at least 400 International Units I.U.'s of Vitamin D EACH DAY. Be sure to eat a well-balanced diet of breads, fruits/veggies, and fish for adequate magnesium intake as well.
Good sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products; dark green, leafy vegetables; and calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Also, supplements can help ensure that the calcium requirement is met each day. Calcium citrate is the best form of calcium to take in supplement form.
Vitamin D, necessary for calcium absorption in the bones, is synthesized in the skin through exposure to sunlight. While many people are able to obtain enough vitamin D naturally, older individuals are often deficient in this vitamin. This is partly because they spend limited time outdoors. Such individuals may require vitamin D supplements in order to ensure an adequate daily intake.
Because meat or concentrated protein has a tendency to pull calcium out of bones, it is a good idea to eat less meat and get more protein from vegetable sources. If you are concerned about iron deficiency, you can get a good source of iron from whole grains, cooked beans, apricots and prunes. Never take an iron supplement.
Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. The best exercise for your bones and osteoporosis prevention is weight-bearing exercise that forces you to work against gravity. Some examples include walking, climbing stairs, lifting weights, and dancing.
Also, for postmenopausal women or women showing signs of menopause or women who are hormone deficient in estrogen, it is a good idea to increase your estrogen level or make sure it is well-balanced in your body since low levels could lead to loss of bone density.
Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of back pain for people. Osteoarthritis, especially seen in older people, is the breaking down of cartilage, disks, joints and synovial fluid that allows our body freedom of motion. Osteoarthritis mostly affects cartilage, the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet to form a joint. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Over time, the joint may lose its normal shape. Also, small deposits of bone – called osteophytes or bone spurs – may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space. This causes more pain and damage.
Osteoarthritis Management And Prevention Techniques
Once again I must stress the importance of nutrition and exercise to help manage and prevent osteoarthritis. Eat plenty of a variety of fruits and vegetables preferably organic. Eat lots of berries because they have anti-oxidants which help relieve pain and inflammation. Eat a lot of fish with Omega-3 Essential Fatty acids. Avoid saturated fats especially trans fat. Eat more whole grains, nuts and seeds. Try to stay away from any refined flours, pastas or rices. Drink plenty of water to help lubricate joints and disks. It is also good to take a glucosamine, chondroitin or MSM supplement for joint/cartilage support and pain reduction.
Be sure to do some form of light aerobic exercise that won't be so hard on your body such as swimming, cycling, using an elliptical machine and/or a stairmaster. Even going for a walk is very important and DOES count as exercise. So just get up and move. Studies show that osteoarthritis sufferers can reduce their level of pain and discomfort with just 3 months of regular aerobic exercise.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. The disease occurs in all racial and ethnic groups, but affects two to three times as many women as men. Rheumatoid arthritis is more commonly found in older individuals, although the disease typically begins in middle age. Children and young adults can also be affected.
When someone has rheumatoid arthritis, the membranes around his or her joints become inflamed and release enzymes that cause the surrounding cartilage and bone to wear away. In severe cases, other tissues and body organs also can be affected. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often experience pain, swelling, and stiffness in their joints, especially those in the hands and feet. Motion can be limited in the affected joints, curtailing one’s ability to accomplish even the most basic everyday tasks. About one-quarter of those with rheumatoid arthritis develop nodules (bumps) that grow under the skin, usually close to the joints. Fatigue, anemia (low red blood cell count), neck pain, and dry eyes and mouth can also occur in individuals with the disease. Some may even feel sick, tired and feverish.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Management And Prevention Techniques
Eat a lot of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to help ease pain and inflammation naturally. Eat a lot of fresh fish including salmon, halibut and tuna. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a good source of fats) for cooking or marinating fish. Eat a lot of berries with anti-oxidants. Decrease your consumption of saturated fats especially trans fat. Since your rheumatoid arthritis could be the result of a food allergy, limit your intake of refined sugars/flour and dairy products. Finally, limit your intake of stimulants.
Exercising can be challenging for people with rheumatoid arthritis, and it needs to be balanced with rest when the disease is active. However, regular exercises such as walking can help prevent bone loss and, by enhancing balance and flexibility, can also reduce the likelihood of falling and breaking a bone. Exercise is also important for preserving joint mobility.
FINAL COMMENTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP. Among about 50 other medical conditions including heart attack and stroke, osteoporosis and arthritis are directly linked to high levels of homocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is a type of protein that should only be measured in very low levels in the body for optimum health. People with high levels of homocysteine increase their risks for a host of medical diseases and complications. In fact it is now considered one of the predictors of life expectancy. That is why it is so important to maintain low levels of this protein in your blood. You can do this by doing everything aforementioned and also by supplementing with folic acid and B complex vitamins. This is absolutely essential for optimum health not to mention osteoporosis and arthritis prevention and management.
Exclusive Health Products is now introducing a complete Omega-3 Supplement for optimum heart and cardiovascular health. It contains the right balance of Omega-3's and Omega-6's such as fish oil, flaxseed, Evening Primrose Oil, and Borage Seed Oil which help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains garlic which is extremely healthy for your heart and cardiovascular system. It contains superfoods or super anti-oxidants in Chlorella and Spirulina which will help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains grape seed extract which is another huge anti-oxidant as much as 10 times as powerful as Vitamin C. And don't worry, this formula also contains folic acid and other B vitamins to make sure your homocysteine levels are reduced so you maintain optimum health.

Joe's personal opinion about Omega-3 Exclusive:
It is my personal belief that Omega-3 Exclusive is the most important supplement you could ever take if you want to live your life to the fullest. Don't get me wrong. You need to exercise and eat right but Omega-3 Exclusive is the most wonderful tool at your disposal for supplementing your lifestyle so you maintain optimum health. This is truly the greatest product Exclusive Health Products has ever created for maintaining optimum health. Get it today!

Articles Of Interest
9 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR SALAD...SUPER By Madeleine Baileywww.icscotland.co.ukHere's our guide to the best salad superfoods. You'll soon be throwing pomegranate seeds and red cabbage in with your lettuce leaves for those extra health-boosting goodies.
These juicy bites will do much more than refresh your taste buds. Tomatoes are packed with a red substance called lycopene, which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 35 per cent. Further studies suggest that they also help prevent breast, bowel and pancreatic cancer as well as heart disease.
Try... eating with heart-healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil or nuts, which aid absorption of lycopene.
You may have hated the soggy spinach your mum, but served raw it's fresh and tasty. Plus it's packed with folate, a B vitamin that helps keep body cells healthy, prevents anaemia and breaks down homocysteine, an amino acid that increases risk of heart disease.
Spinach also contains disease-fighting substances which protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in the elderly.
Try... adding a few basil leaves. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve wind and stomach cramps. If you're eating in the evening, include a good portion of lettuce, which contains sleep-inducing lactucin.
Wonderfully low in calories, cucumber is high in water, vital for stopping you wilting in the heat. It also contains silica and vitamin C, essential for glowing, healthy skin, plus potassium, which can help control blood pressure, and magnesium for healthy bones.
Try... cutting it into strips or slices, but don't peel. The skin contains most of the nutrients, plus fibre to keep you regular.
Raw onions may not do much for your breath, but they have loads of health benefits. Great for diabetics, they contain high levels of chromium, which helps cells respond to insulin, the hormone controlling blood sugar.
Regularly eating them can reduce your risk of heart disease by 20 per cent because they lower cholesterol and blood pressure. And people who eat onions twice a week will significantly reduce their risk of colon cancer, thanks to a flavonoid (disease-fighting compound) called quercetin. This has been found to halt the growth of tumours in animals and protect colon cells. It can also reduce inflammation, easing osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
Try... chopped-up spring onions or red onions, which look pretty and taste milder.
The secret is to include a mix of red, yellow, orange and green peppers in your salads. The brighter the contents of your salad bowl the better. An Italian study found peppers can cut the risk of cataracts, probably owing to their vitamin C and beta carotene. These anti-ageing nutrients also help combat the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries and keep your skin in condition.
Red peppers contain cancer-fighting lycopene as well as a chemical that can reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers by up to 37 per cent, according to a large Chinese study.
Try... grilling peppers, then drizzling with olive oil. You can also microwave them with olive oil for two minutes.
It's no coincidence this is used in beauty products. It's a good source of vitamin E, which helps to regenerate the skin, speeding up healing and preventing scarring. It also contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, which helps reduce cholesterol, improves circulation and has been found to protect nst breast cancer.
Try... a lemon juice dressing to stop them turning brown.
Nuts are a good source of unsaturated fats and a wide range of minerals. Cashews are especially high in copper and magnesium, necessary for bones, the immune system and a healthy thyroid gland, which controls most bodily functions. Sprinkle over a few sesame seeds and besides getting a deliciously nutty flavour you'll benefit from a substance called samin, which protects the liver. The seeds are also high in manganese, a mineral which promotes fertility.
Try... sprinkling them over any salad - it's an instant way to make it healthy.
If you want enhance your mental health, add red cabbage to your salad. It contains anthocyanins - red and blue pigments that protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease. Red cabbage contains seven to eight times more anti-ageing nutrients than white - and it makes your salad look much prettier.
Try... slicing the cabbage very finely as it can be chewy when eaten raw. Better still, use a food processor.
These red fruits have multiple health and beauty benefits. They contain anthocyanins, which can help to avoid spider veins.
They could significantly slow the development of prostate cancer in mice, and another study found that pomegranate extract can protect cartilage from deterioration so could slow down osteoarthritis. Simply cut the pomegranate in half, scoop out the flesh then mix it in.
Try...adding some olive oil to pomegranate juice to make a tangy salad dressing.
Joe’s Comments: Look, it is no secret. Eating better is not just a hobby or something you should do. It is something absolutely positively essential if you want to be pain-free. Every night gather up some fresh vegetables and make a nice salad to go along with your dinner. In fact, make this your dinner or supper. Eat a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables everyday, drink lots of water and take a good Omega 3 supplement. You will be well on your way to living a long and happy life pain-free.
Article #2
THROUGHOUT our history we have ingested an approximate equal proportion (1:1 ratio) of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are two of 49 known essential nutrients. These substances cannot be synthesised by the body and must come from food.
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids have opposing effects — the "yin" and "yang". These fatty acids need to be equal in concentration in body tissues as they check each other in a delicate balance to regulate thousands of metabolic functions through prostaglandin pathways. (Fig. 1) Nearly every biologic function is somehow interconnected with the delicate balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3.
Omega-3s are powerfully involved in the control of inflammation, cardiovascular health, allergic reactivity, immune response, hormone modulation, intelligence and behavioUr. The rapid change in dietary fat ingestion, where we take Omega 6 far in excess of Omega 3, in the last 50-100 years has bewildered human bio-physiology. See Figure 2
Diets high in Omega-6 oils at the expense of Omega-3 promote inflammation. Omega-3s are strongly anti-inflammatory. As a result, Omega-6 has been coined as "bad" and Omega-3 as "good". In fact both are essential for human health. It is the balance of the two in relation to each other that is important. Dominant Omega-6 in the body can create a situation that promotes chronic inflammation, propagation of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and auto-immunity.
Landmark study
Japanese researchers have discovered the leading cause of westernised degenerative diseases. Their work has gone far to confirm that degenerative diseases are due to a drastic reduction in the intake of Omega-3 in relation to Omega-6. Their findings came from a review of over 500 peer-reviewed studies. These is the words of the Japanese researchers themselves from the study summary:
"In this review, we summarize the evidence which indicates that increased dietary linoleic acid (Omega-6) and relative Omega-3 deficiency are major risk factors for western-type cancers cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and also for allergic hyper-reactivity. We also raise the possibility that a relative Omega-3 deficiency may be affecting the behavioral patterns of a proportion of the young generations in industrialized countries."
It is proposed that dietary intervention with Omega-3 supplementation, and the reduction of Omega-6 in the diet - could successfully reverse rising trend toward westernized degenerative diseases in Japan, and the world.
About 100 years ago, the introduction of the screw-nut expeller press for the processing of vegetable/seed oils was developed. Vegetable oils and seeds are dominant in Omega-6 fatty acids, but most are completely devoid of complementary Omega-3 fatty acids. The processing of oils derived from corn, soy, safflower and sunflower created an extremely concentrated source of Omega-6, at the expense of Omega-3.
Modern methods of animal husbandry were developed to purposely fatten livestock for slaughter. The protocol involves feeding livestock with carbo- hydrate rich grains rich in Omega-6 and devoid of Omega-3. Thus, the meat of domestic livestock has more Omega-6, at the expense of Omega-3. Eggs, once a good source of Omega-3, have also fallen victim to the same progress. Chickens, like cattle, are fed a diet absent of Omega-3, and as a result their eggs are also deficient.
This has resulted in a major reduction of Omega-3 in the food supply. At the same time, there has been an increase of commercially processed and refined Omega-6. With the exception of the trace amount of Omega-3 found in greens, sea-vegetables and some nuts and seeds, dietary sources are nil to none. The exception comes in the form of deep water ocean fish and flaxseeds. Unfortunately modern day dietary habits have shifted from whole-foods to that of highly refined foodstuffs, domesticated meats and soft-drinks. Consequently, very little Omega-3 is consumed in the average diet.
Back to balance
Rapid changes in food processing technology and animal husbandry have created a severe imbalance of Omega-6 to Omega-3. This cannot be easily corrected through dietary modification alone. However, the good news is that we can work to correct this imbalance in our body by supplementing our diet with Omega-3.
Currently the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 in the American Diet ranges from 10/1 to 20/1, and in Japan 4/1 — all grossly in favor of Omega-6. In North America, Omega-6 constitutes 7 per cent of calories consumed or about 15 grams per day! This is way in excess.
There are two things you can do:
• Reduce you intake of omega 6 — the "bad" omega oil. Consciously limit the amount of Omega-6 in the diet. This can be accomplished by limiting the use of Omega-6 dominant vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, soy and corn oils. Nearly all processed foods contain Omega-6 usually, but not always in the form of "partially" hydrogenated oil.
• Increase you intake of Omega-3. The only way back to balance is by consumption of oils rich in Omega-3.
You can increase your intake in two ways — by food and supplements. The two rich natural sources of Omega 3 are fish and flax oil. However, the big issue with fish is the toxins that pollute our oceans. Furthermore, avoid frying fish as it destroys the level and structure of the omega 3 contained.
The other away is to take fish oil as a supplement. This way, you get a fixed and regular supply of your daily omega 3 fatty acids. However, fish oil supplements are themselves contaminated. This was recently highlighted by a very public recall of a leading fish oil brand in the United Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong as it was found to contain higher than allowed levels of dioxin — a potential carcinogen.
You should look at taking two to three grams of omega 3 fatty acids daily. As such, you should look for higher strength omega 3 supplements.
Make sure you fish oil supplements are in amber glass bottles. The amber keeps the light out. The glass keeps the temperature more constant. It also prevent rancidity and oxidation - the big problem with fish oil which are highly unstable.
Key points
• Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids with powerful opposing effects
• Omega 6 causes inflammation and omega 3 is anti-inflammatory
• They should be in a 1:1 balance
• Modern day nutrition had lead to this balance being severely affected leading to excess in omega 6
• This as lead to many modern diseases of degeneration and inflammation
• To address this balance you need to cut omega 6 intake and increase omega 3 intake
• Rich sources of Omega 3 are fish and flax
• When supplementing with fish oil take supplements that are molecularly distilled (toxin free), higher strength and packed in amber glass bottles.
Joe's Comments: If you haven't heard, Omega-3's help relieve pain and inflammation. They help your body reach a proper balance of essential fatty acids. Omega 3's improve your heart and cardiovascular system which speeds up blood flow to facilitate natural healing. Eat lots of fresh fish preferably not farm raised as well as leafy green vegetables and nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.
Joe’s Back Pain Tips
Here are 10 more back pain tips for a pain-free back.
1. Don’t slump forward when sitting or standing.2. If you sit at work, stand and stretch several times throughout the day.3. Practice walking with your shoulders slightly back and your chest out.4. Practice standing without leaning to one side to keep your spine properly aligned. 5. Make sure you take deep regular breaths when you stretch your back. 6. Don’t lift anything too heavy by yourself.7. If something looks too heavy, ask a friend to help you lift it. If a friend isn't available offer to pay someone 5 bucks. It worked for me once. Don't worry...they won't make you pay them. 8. When lifting, always keep a little flex in your knees. Never lock the knees.9. When lifting, keep your weight on the heels or balls of your feet. Never your toes.10. When lifting, keep your midsection flexed
Unfortunately you are the only one who really knows your OWN back pain. Nobody is going to help you as much as yourself. First, learn as much as you can about your own back pain. Everyone suffers back pain for different reasons. Once you learn why you are suffering with back pain, learn how to treat it effectively and TAKE ACTION! Stay positive and persistent no matter what. A negative attitude is only going to make your back feel so much worse. You must understand that you will have to make sacrifices for your back. I'm talking about eating better, exercising on a more regular basis, sitting upright instead of slouching, etc. Doing all of these things can only help you get rid of back pain.
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It is finally available right now. If you or someone you know owns a website and would like to become an affiliate of Exclusive Health Products or Back Relief Elite, please goto www.backreliefelite.com and click the affiliate link to sign up.
Next Newsletter
Next time we will look at question 13...Do I live a sedentary lifestyle? I wanted to get into that this time but arthritis was a pretty big topic by itself. So next time we will talk about that. I think we all know a couch potato if we aren't one already. Now of course a sedentary person should eat right but what are some other things that they can do to get rid of back pain? I will discuss that next time. Thanks so much for reading and I will talk to you next time.
By the way, if you did not hear the back pain teleseminar you can hear it in its entirety at
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Table Of Contents:
1. Special Announcement: Product Updates And Back Pain Community2. Opening Comments: More Constructive Ways To Combat, Eliminate And Manage Each Cause Of Your Back Pain.3. Articles of InterestHOW EXERCISE HELPS BACK PAIN: A GROWING NUMBER OF RESEARCHERS SAY THAT EXERCISING-DESPITE AN ACHING BACK-IS NOT ONLY OK,BUT MAY BE THE KEY TO A HEALTHIER ONEBUILDING UP THE WHOLE BODY-STRENGTH TRAINING BUILDS MUSCLE BUT IT CAN STIMULATE BONE GROWTH AS WELL4. TEN Back Relief Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Back Pain.5. Affiliate Announcement6. Next Newsletter
Special Announcement: Happy Holidays! I hope you are winding down your year in fabulous fashion. I
AARticle #1

Last order of business: I would also like to call your attention to something extremely special that will make all of you very happy. At www.josephpersaud.com you will be able to gain access to our new back pain community. once you register you will have the ability to communicate with other clients of Back Relief Elite and Exclusive Health Products. You will be able to post topics and replies on several forums of interest. The goal of this back pain community is to interconnect everyone so we can all share our experiences with back pain including new solutions for back relief. I think you will find it to be a tremendous resource for you. Please go there at anytime to sign up and participate.
Article #1
Ask anyone with a chronically bad back what she has tried in the way of treatment and she's likely to respond, "What haven't I tried?" Massage, medication, manipulation or stretching may provide relief, but for most sufferers, the reprieve--if any--is relatively fleeting.
Surprisingly, a number of recent studies suggest that what most back-pain sufferers should try is a back-muscle workout that will probably leave them in increased pain--at first, that is, but feeling much better in the long term. "It's not hard to help someone with her back pain one time, but the challenge is to keep her from having to come back," says Vijay Vad, M.D., a sports-medicine specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery, an affiliate of Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City. "That's where exercise is crucial. The first couple of weeks you're going to be more sore, but the long-term solution for back pain lies, basically, in exercise."
For instance, a study led by Vad that's still under way has found that although patients with disc problems who followed a carefully designed exercise program were in more pain for the first three weeks, after that they started feeling better than a control group who used daily medication and a nightly back brace. More significantly, one year later, 70 percent of the exercise group reported that their pain was reduced by more than half, as opposed to only 33 percent of controls.
Of course, exercise has been recommended for back problems before. The catch: Usually patients were cautioned to stop if it hurt. "But studies have shown that when someone has an incidence of back pain, back muscles atrophy very quickly, and surprisingly, even if the pain goes away on its own, which it usually does, the muscles stay weakened," says Vert Mooney, M.D., a clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at the University of California, San Diego, and president of Measurement Driven Rehabilitation Systems Inc. "So almost anything you can do to make those muscles work is a good thing. If exercising causes sharp pain, exactly the kind of pain you're trying to treat, then you're doing something wrong. But you should feel discomfort or achiness, the way you do whenever you start moving something that hasn't been moved in a long time."
More pain, more gain?
How does exercise help alleviate back pain? "No one really knows," says James Rainville, M.D., chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at New England Baptist Hospital and an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "But our data on approximately 2,000 patients per year who undergo rehabilitation suggest that most who exercise, even if it is painful, experience a substantial improvement in the amount and intensity of exercise they can perform. And that is associated with a decrease in back pain.
"Their backs become more tolerant to the stresses of exercise, and are more resistant to producing pain messages after movement and strenuous activities," he adds. "But we don't know where this improved tolerance or desensitization occurs--whether at the back tissues, the spinal cord, brain stem or cerebral cortex."
Part of the explanation is psychological: Pain perception is made much worse by worry, fear or the expectation of pain, Rainville notes. "People are afraid that if they move, stretch or exercise their backs, they'll harm them further," he says. "But there's no indication in the medical literature or our vast experience that exercise is unsafe or unreasonably risky for people with back pain."
High-tech help
Some of the underpinnings of the exercise-till-it-hurts approach come from the relatively recent arrival of more sophisticated hardware. Some of the exercise machines used by back centers (and some gyms) are able to home in precisely on strengthening crucial muscles like the lumbar extensors, transversalis or paraspinals (back muscles that, with other exercises, tend to let stronger muscles nearby do all the work, Mooney explains). Based on patients' individual progress, doctors and trainers then can make informed recommendations on how hard a particular patient should push herself to maximize payoffs while minimizing pain.
Mooney estimates that perhaps only 10 percent of back doctors in the United States are on board with this exercise-centered approach (chiropractors and physical therapists are, similarly, found on both sides of the fence). Still, a number of facilities around the country operate practically as medical gyms, where back sufferers can learn how to exercise the right way. At the Spine & Sport Centers owned by Mooney in California and Tennessee, for example, many patients are set up with a six- to eight-week, twice-a-week program with on-site equipment. Trainers make sure that workouts are done correctly and track progress.
One of the leaders of the exercise-centered movement is The Spine Center at New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, headed by Rainville. It specializes in evaluating people with complicated spinal disorders--two-thirds or more of its 400 new patients a month are referrals from other doctors, typically cases in which, after years of various treatments, the patient is still in pain and hoping to avoid spinal surgery--or another spinal surgery. (The remainder are mostly referrals from other patients.) For 5 percent of patients, the center does recommend surgery, but for more than half of extreme cases it instead prescribes a very aggressive program of personally tailored exercise, continually tracking those patients for back strength, pain, flexibility and the ability to perform everyday tasks a
To view this article on the web just copy and paste this link: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0846/is_3_23/ai_108836446
Joe’s Comments:
I can't tell you how happy it made me to find this article. I wholeheartedly agree that exercise initially will or might cause you some back pain or soreness at first. After a while, perhaps 2 months, the pain or the aching will subside. I can remember first starting out doing squats at the gym. It was not easy but I worked my way through some tough and painful times. Keep in mind, I did not suffer with sharp pain. Sharp pain or numbness is not what you are seeking. You are seeking a dull, tired muscle ache. This will force the muscles in your back to adapt to the stress it is put under. Once you break through this wall of pain, the rewards are incredible. Your back will thank you for it as long as you maintain. This means you must exercise regularly and eat the right kinds of foods mainly lots of fruits and veggies and plenty of water.
In my Secrets To A Pain-Free Back "Mini-Pack" I will show you personally all the exercises I do to strengthen my muscles and end back pain. Once again, as soon as it is available, I will let you know.
Article #2
Quick: What comes to mind with the phrase "weight lifting" or "strength training"? For many people, it's sweaty men with bulging muscles trying to outdo each other on the bench press.
But a different type of workout has emerged today, fueled by a growing number of studies on the health benefits of strength training. Outside weight rooms, group classes have added weights to pump up aerobic routines for women and men of all ages and muscle sizes.
The programs are ideal for people who are pressed for time or intimidated by weight rooms, said Mike Revere, site manager for the Sentara Hampton Health and Fitness Center. Women, in particular, often don't get the strength training needed to build bone mass and prevent osteoporosis, Revere said.
"We want to make it efficient for people to fit in all of the exercises we recommend, even busy working people or parents with little kids," he said. "These classes tend to have lighter weights and high repetition, which works toward endurance and toning."
The Sentara Center has one group class built entirely around strength training and a more traditional step class that incorporates dumbbell weights. Similar classes are multiplying locally, and they tend to fill quickly.
On a recent weeknight, 22 people gathered at the Newport News YMCA for a one-hour session of PowerCut, a
popular program that mixes dance music, step work and lifts with plate-loaded bars and handheld weights.
In the front row, Jill Allen of Newport News grimaced as she slowly rotated a 20-pound bar up and down in front of her chest. As instructor Angie Moore-Lobach had warned the class, "Tonight is a night of little movement but lots of pain. You're going to feel it."
Keeping their muscles tense as they worked legs, arms, shoulders, abdomens and lower backs, Allen and her classmates lifted, lunged and dropped down for push-ups in rhythm to the music. At times, their muscles visibly shook with the effort.
"It's challenging, but it makes you feel so relaxed and powerful," said Allen, 39. "It's motivational to be in a roomful of people - you can't quit like you might if you're lifting weights alone."
Drawing more people into strength training is important for overall conditioning and bone health, Moore-Lobach said. Doctors now know the body is constantly rebuilding its skeleton, breaking down old bone tissue and creating more. Weight-bearing exercises and resistance training stimulate the cells that build bone.
"You really can prevent bones from breaking down the road," Moore-Lobach said. "The more we know about how the body works, the more we know we need to add classes with a lot of variety." In fact, she no longer teaches classes without some element of weight lifting. PowerCut aims to hit every muscle group in the body, which people are unlikely to do on their own.
"I don't like those old 'jump-around-and-dance' programs," she said. "A class should tone, build up endurance and get the heart rate up at the same time."
Within group exercise classes, people can adjust for fitness level by deciding the amount of weight to lift. PowerCut, for example, has bars ranging from 12 to 27 pounds and a variety of dumbbells.
The programs don't duplicate weight room workouts for people who want to lift more, said Lisa McNeil, group exercise coordinator at the Riverside Wellness & Fitness Center in Newport News. Riverside has a class called Total Body Conditioning that combines intervals of four to five minutes of cardiovascular training - running, stair steps, jump rope and speed drills - with one to two minutes of strength training such as pushups and biceps curls.
"A lot of people focus on cardio and not enough on weight training," McNeil said. "The weight training segments are short so that they aren't really designed to replace a weight training program, but it's better than nothing at all. It's a great cross-training tool."
And attention dieters: Many people don't realize that strength exercises increase lean body mass and metabolism, which helps burn more calories all day, Revere said. Indeed, Peder Wennberg of Smithfield has dropped 32 pounds over the past two years by combining aerobic workouts and weight training.
Wennberg, 52, got more serious about fitness after suffering blood clots in his lung and leg. "I feel like I've turned my health around," he said.
Tom Kurz of Newport News, meanwhile, is determined to protect his good health. A former high school wrestler and military man, the lean 51-year-old came to PowerCut looking for an intense and motivating workout.
"It gets your adrenaline going," Kurz said. "This is for my general health and to avoid chronic conditions as I become an old man. That's my goal: to stay away from all prescription medicines."
Jill Allen puts it more simply.
"This workout," she said, "will keep you young."
To view article on website copy and paste this link:
Joe’s Comments:
It is good to see that there are group classes now that are more inclined to incorporate weight training with aerobics. I urge you to find one for yourself or perhaps request it from your gym or gym instructor. I hope this article better explains how important a role strength training plays in terms of the benefits you receive from exercise. Especially as you get older, as your muscle mass and bone density decrease, it is so important. And believe it or not, strength training can be a lot of fun unless you drop a weight on your toe. It is fun to challenge yourself mentally and physically.
Joe’s Back Pain Tips
Here are 13 more back pain tips for a pain-free back.
1. Be sure to breathe when lifting something really heavy.2. Before lifting something heavy, mentally envision yourself lifting it. Imagine lifting and placing the object in its desired location.3. When lifting, keep the object as close to your body as possible.4. When lifting, never twist your hips. Your upper and lower body should move as one.5. Always lift in a slow and deliberate manner. 6. If it’s too heavy, stop!!! Don’t kill yourself.7. Use a dolly or some other creative means to move real heavy objects.8. Never carry anything real heavy on your shoulder that might put your spine out of alignment.9. Wear gloves when lifting heavy objects to maintain a full and firm grip.10. Don’t lift anything too heavy by yourself.11. If something looks too heavy, ask a friend to help you lift it. 12. When lifting, always keep a little flex in your knees. Never lock the knees and try to maintain good posture.13. When lifting, keep your weight on the heels or balls of your feet. Never your toes.

PREFACE First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my special reports on tendonitis. I think you will find the information in these special reports extremely helpful as well as insightful on how to effectively combat and eliminate your tendonitis pain and inflammation. I also think you will find this information to be quite illuminating about the dangers of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Second of all, I would like to preface that I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one. I’m not giving out medical advice. I collected my information from studying research through magazines, journals and even the internet. For your benefit I’ve tried to paint a real clear picture of tendonitis and topics of interest surrounding it. Once you read these reports, I believe you will be able to draw your own conclusions about tendonitis and make the best decision regarding your health. SPECIAL REPORT #1 What is the true cause of your tendonitis pain and inflammation? Prostaglandins are the true cause of your pain and inflammation. What are those you say? Well, they are similar to a hormone. I like to call them pgs. Your body sends prostaglandins to a location in your body that is damaged. For instance, the other day, I was playing catch with a baseball. True story. The ball short-hopped me and hit me right on the shin. Ouch! I looked down and saw a huge bump almost immediately. That bump was from pgs or the prostaglandins. My body sent them to the site of the damage (my shin). An overabundance of prostaglandins is what caused inflammation or the bump to appear on my leg. Tendonitis and inflammation work the same way. Let's say you are playing a long game of tennis. You might slowly damage a tendon and/or the surrounding muscles in your elbow or wrist. Your body sends prostaglandins to the site of the damage. Pain and inflammation occur. Hello tendonitis! But why does your body send prostaglandins to the site of damage? Your body sends them to the site to attract white blood cells. White blood cells are the little soldiers for the immune system. They simply go to the area of inflammation to repair the damage and guard against infection. So now we know what causes pain and inflammation. This is the first step in figuring out how to beat your tendonitis. So what next? Well, you need to understand how prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications actually work. Learn all about them in Special Report # 2. SPECIAL REPORT #2 How prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain relievers actually work to reduce pain and inflammation and why they are considered serious health risks? Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications a.k.a. NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are specifically designed to lower your prostaglandin levels in order to reduce inflammation and pain. You might be familiar with Cox-2 inhibitors. Cox-2 inhibitor is a fancy way of saying Vioxx, Bextra, or Celebrex. Among these prescription drugs all except Celebrex were recently banned from the market after it was unveiled that they posed serious heart attack and stroke risks. Celebrex is still on the market but it contains a large black warning about these same risks. Just recently the FDA mandated that some very popular over-the-counter pain relievers also contain a black warning label for risks of heart attack and stroke. We'll get to the reasons for this later. But what really is a Cox-2 inhibitor? I'm glad you asked. Cox-1 and Cox-2 are enzymes in your body. Cox-1 releases "good" prostaglandins that among other things are mainly responsible for proper kidney function and supplying your stomach with a protective lining of mucous. Cox-2 releases the "bad" prostaglandins or pgs to a damaged part of your body to fight infection. The prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers drastically inhibit the activity of the Cox-2 enzyme. In other words, they prevent the Cox 2 enzyme from releasing prostaglandins to reduce inflammation and pain. Over-the-counter medications also inhibit the activity of the Cox-1 enzyme. This is bad because the Cox-1 enzyme supports the stomach and kidneys. This may explain why some people that take these drugs have stomach or kidney related problems. Go look at your typical over-the-counter pain reliever that you have in your medicine cabinet. Look very closely at the warning labels. It most likely will have something on there about the risk of stomach problems such as gastrointestinal irritation, bleeding, heartburn, or ulcers. This is because these drugs inhibit the activity of the Cox-1 enzyme to make the lining that protects your stomach from acid. *In the United Kingdom, a study showed the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding for NSAIDs users. For people 16-45 years of age, 1 out of 2100 suffered gastrointestinal bleeding after using NSAIDs for one year. For adults 75 and over, 1 out of 110 suffered gastrointestinal bleeding. The study also reported the chance of dying from a gastrointestinal bleed. For people ages 16-45, 1 in 12,353 died. For people 75 years and older, 1 in 647 died from a gastrointestinal bleed. *Source: Helfand M, Peterson K, Carson Sm. Drug Class Review on NSAIDs Final Report: http://www.ohsu.edu/drug effectiveness/reports/documents/NSAIDs Final Reportu2.pdf2004 Vioxx was supposed to only inhibit the Cox-2 enzyme so the chances of gastrointestinal bleeding, irritation, or ulcers would be greatly reduced. Well, Vioxx appeared to do that but there was a problem. The problem was that the Cox-2 enzyme is not all bad. It plays a key part in dilating blood vessels, preventing blood clots, and protecting the overall cardiovascular system. Vioxx inhibited this protective action of the Cox-2 enzyme thus raising people’s risks for heart attack and stroke. This is why Vioxx was finally pulled from the market. Too many people suffered ill effects such as a heart attack or stroke from this drug. Soon after Vioxx, Bextra was also pulled from the market and Celebrex is under close scrutiny. Most over-the-counter and prescription drugs may also slow the body’s ability to repair itself and weaken or compromise its immune system. This is because many drugs drastically inhibit the COX-2 enzyme that controls the release of prostaglandins. Without prostaglandins, white blood cells can’t get to the site of inflammation and do their job of repairing damage and fighting infection. Over time this could lead to diseases or serious health problems. To quickly sum up… over-the-counter pain relievers pose health risks to the stomach and kidneys. Most over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription pain relievers pose a risk for heart attack and stroke and may slow the body’s ability to repair itself and fight infection. SPECIAL REPORT # 3 What else can we do to effectively fight and end tendonitis pain? There's a lot you can do! Most importantly and especially if you use over-the-counter or prescription meds, you need to educate yourself. You need to do your own research and make the right decision for you. And you shouldn't just take my word for it or even the word of your doctor. I hear doctors say there isn't enough evidence against over-the-counter meds or some prescription meds for people to stop taking them. Do you really want to take that chance. Is it worth risking your life over some pain relief? Take a good look at your diet! Nutrition alone possesses simple but amazing solutions for pain relief. As a believer in natural solutions for whatever ails the human body, it would be a crime if I forgot to talk about nutrition. Just dropping a few sweets from your daily diet can really help your nasty inflammation and pain. This is because sugar raises your insulin levels. High insulin levels stir up "bad" prostaglandins that produce pain and inflammation. No matter what, you should increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids! This is because research shows that Omega-3 fatty acids improve your overall cardiovascular system. They act as a natural blood thinner to promote better circulation. They lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They are also shown to promote the "good" prostaglandins that actually reduce inflammation naturally. The best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, herring, sardines, halibut, mackerel, and tuna. Canola oil, flaxseed oil, and leafy green vegetables are also good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Yes, that's right...canola oil. Read my exclusive report on canola oil found in the Mike Saros forum. At the same time you should decrease your intake of Omega-6 fatty acids. One of the reasons you may have severe tendonitis or inflammation is because your balance of fatty acids is out of whack. As a society we consume way too many Omega-6 fatty acids. These are found in sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and safflower oil. They are in margarine, salad dressing and mayonnaise. They are also known as saturated fats. So we need to cut down on the Omega-6 and increase the Omega-3 fatty acids. This will increase your level of "good" prostaglandins and decrease your level of "bad" ones and consequently improve your tendonitis naturally. Practice safe exercises and prevention techniques. Be sure to warm up and cool down before and after exercising. Be sure to do a slow and controlled stretch during your exercises. Make sure your equipment is not too heavy and try to avoid awkward positions and incorrect repetitive motions that may put unnecessary strain on your tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Try to avoid exercising in cold temperatures. Finally, try not to overdo it or exercise too frequently which may lead to injury, pain, and inflammation. Listen, I know this can be boring but it is important for you to understand. Your body needs prostaglandins because they serve numerous functions. Drugs like over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription pain relievers take it to the extreme. It's almost all or nothing for them. By wiping out the prostaglandins that cause inflammation, they also hurt your body's ability to fight infection and heal damaged joints and cartilage in certain areas. Remember the white blood cells. They are attracted to prostaglandins. If there aren't any prostaglandins, then your immune system can't properly do its job. Over time, this can lead to more serious infection and other diseases. Don't forget about the heart attack and stroke risks! These drugs also hamper your body's ability to prevent blood clots. This is because some prostaglandins play a key role in dilating blood vessels and clearing a smooth path for your circulatory system. You need to find a balance! In a way, it is similar to a campfire. For example, let's imagine we are camping and we are building a fire. We don't want a fire too big because it will burn down the camp. On the other hand, we don't want to put out the fire either. We want a nice medium or a balance so we can stay warm and comfortable and (Ha-Ha) cook marshmallows. Now imagine the fire is in our bodies. It is the burning pain we feel from tendonitis. We want to put the fire out but still protect our cardiovascular system and immune system. We don't want to go overkill on the prostaglandins. We need to find a nice equilibrium of good and bad. Only then will we find the best and the right solution for tendonitis pain. SPECIAL REPORT # 4 How all-natural pain relievers are a safer alternative to prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines without the gastrointestinal side effects and cardiovascular risks of heart attack and stroke? Let me share with you an article in Newsweek from summer 2005. The cover of the magazine reads "Your Health In The 21st Century." In this particular issue is an article called "Quieting A Body's Defenses." It is about inflammation and ways of treating it. You may have read it yourself. Greg Cole, a professor of medicine and neurology at UCLA stated "while drugs usually block a single target molecule and reduce its activity dramatically, natural anti-inflammatories generally tweak a broader range of inflammatory compounds." In a direct quote, he says, "You'll get greater safety and efficacy reducing five inflammatory mediators by 30% than reducing one by 100 percent" (p.2 . This means we can't afford to interrupt key activities in our body that protect us from infection and the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prescription drugs put us at risk by shutting down key bodily functions that protect us from heart attack and stroke. Most popular over-the-counter pain relievers besides aspirin have these same cardiovascular risks. Over-the-counter medicines also have serious gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach irritation, bleeding, heartburn and ulcers. They also can cause kidney problems. So what can natural remedies like Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite do for your pain and inflammation? Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite are non-addictive, all-natural pain relievers that come without side effects. There are 4 reasons why these natural remedies are right for you! 1. They contain several natural anti-inflammatories that promote a good balance between the "good" prostaglandins and the "bad" prostaglandins. In other words, you have a "controlled campfire" where your inflammation and pain are diminished but your body can still perform its necessary functions. 2. They contain natural blood thinners that increase blood circulation so your area of inflammation heals faster. This also guards against blood clots that may cause a heart attack or stroke. 3. They contain several ingredients that work alongside (rather than suppress) your immune system to help your body quickly repair damaged joints, disks, nerves and cartilage and protect you from infection and disease. 4. They effectively and safely alleviate you from pain and inflammation the right way without compromising your cardiovascular system, immune system, and gastrointestinal tract. There are better alternatives out there besides prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers that are much simpler and safer for you. You don't have to compromise your immune system or cardiovascular health. Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite are great alternatives to these drugs because they safely relieve pain and inflammation while still allowing your body to protect itself from infection and maintain a strong cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract without the risks of heart attack, stroke, and ulcers. I can't put it any better than that. Prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain relievers put us at risk by shutting down too much. The Cox-2 inhibitors “inhibit” key bodily functions that protect us. We need to be smarter. We can do that by educating ourselves on natural alternatives. We need to take better care of ourselves by exercising and sticking with a sound nutrition plan. You can start today to get rid of your inflammation by what you have just learned. In conclusion, don't forget to watch your sugar and eat more Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Sugar leads to insulin and insulin leads to "bad" pgs that is only going to make tendonitis and pain in general worse. An increase in your Omega-3 fatty acids will help promote more "good" prostaglandins and give you the right balance you want. You should get these from whole foods such as salmon, tuna, and leafy green vegetables. Of course, don't forget safe and natural alternatives to your pain! 5 Reasons Why Our Natural Remedies™ Are More Effective And Safe Than Other Products. 1) In our natural remedies, you will not find a more complete formulation of natural ingredients anywhere. Nothing else is even comparable. 2) In our natural remedies we offer several natural and proven anti-inflammatories that calm several of your body's inflammatory responses and still allow your body to perform key necessary functions that protect you from heart disease, stroke, and ulcers. 3) Instead of suppressing your immune system, our natural remedies work alongside it to help repair damage to soft tissue in your body and thwart off potential disease and infection. 4) Our natural remedies are completely safe and without the risks and side effects you will commonly find in prescription and over-the-counter medicines. 5) Our natural remedies promote blood circulation so you heal faster and calm several anti-inflammatory mediators in your body instead of just one to give you long-lasting soothing relief for your pain and inflammation. Thank you for taking the time to read these special reports and good luck!_________________check out www.josephpersaud.com for special exercises on how to relieve your back pain.
OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is a major health threat for mostly millions of postmenopausal women. It is a bone disease that causes bones to break down and become brittle to the point where they are at high risk for fracture. Those who are very thin or have a small frame are at high risk for osteoporosis. Other high risk factors include having a family history of the disease; having had early menopause; having a low calcium intake (less than 1200 mg per day); having a low Vitamin D intake (not getting at least 400 I.U.'s per day); consuming too much meat or concentrated protein; not being physically active; being a smoker; and consuming too much alcohol, soda and/or coffee. Early signs of osteoporosis may start with sharp lower back pain which could mean a stress fracture. Signs of diminished height or a humpback look (kyphosis) is a good indication that the bones of the spine are losing substance and becoming porous. Osteoporosis Management and Prevention Techniques For strong and healthy bones, you absolutely must follow a strict nutrition plan that includes at least 1200 mg per day of calcium and at least 400 International Units I.U.'s of Vitamin D EACH DAY. Be sure to eat a well-balanced diet of grains, fruits/veggies, and fish for adequate magnesium intake as well. Good sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products; dark green, leafy vegetables; and calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Also, supplements can help ensure that the calcium requirement is met each day. Calcium citrate is the best form of calcium to take in supplement form. Vitamin D, necessary for calcium absorption in the bones, is synthesized in the skin through exposure to sunlight. While many people are able to obtain enough vitamin D naturally, older individuals are often deficient in this vitamin. This is partly because they spend limited time outdoors. Such individuals may require vitamin D supplements in order to ensure an adequate daily intake. Because meat or concentrated protein has a tendency to pull calcium out of bones, it is a good idea to eat less meat and get more protein from vegetable sources. If you are concerned about iron deficiency, you can get a good source of iron from whole grains, cooked beans, apricots and prunes. Never take an iron supplement. Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. The best exercise for your bones and osteoporosis prevention is weight-bearing exercise that forces you to work against gravity. Some examples include walking, climbing stairs, lifting weights, and dancing. Also, for postmenopausal women or women showing signs of menopause or women who are hormone deficient in estrogen, it is a good idea to increase your estrogen level or make sure it is well-balanced in your body since low levels could lead to loss of bone density. OSTEOARTHRITIS Osteoarthritis, especially seen in older people, is the breaking down of cartilage, disks, joints and synovial fluid that allows our body freedom of motion. Osteoarthritis mostly affects cartilage, the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet to form a joint. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Over time, the joint may lose its normal shape. Also, small deposits of bone – called osteophytes or bone spurs – may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space. This causes more pain and damage. Osteoarthritis Management And Prevention Techniques Once again the importance of nutrition and exercise cannot be stressed enough to help manage and prevent osteoarthritis. Eat plenty of a variety of fruits and vegetables preferably organic. Eat lots of berries because they have anti-oxidants which help relieve pain and inflammation. Eat a lot of fish with Omega-3 Essential Fatty acids. Avoid saturated fats especially trans fat. Eat more whole grains, nuts and seeds. Try to stay away from any refined flours, pastas or rices. Drink plenty of water to help lubricate joints and disks. It is also good to take a glucosamine (1500 mg/day-1 month on and 1 month off), Chondroitin or MSM supplement for joint/cartilage support and pain reduction. Be sure to do some form of light aerobic exercise that won't be so hard on your body such as swimming, cycling, using an elliptical machine and/or a stairmaster. Even going for a walk is very important and DOES count as exercise. So just get up and move. Studies show that osteoarthritis sufferers can reduce their level of pain and discomfort with just 3 months of regular aerobic exercise. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. The disease occurs in all racial and ethnic groups, but affects two to three times as many women as men. Rheumatoid arthritis is more commonly found in older individuals, although the disease typically begins in middle age. Children and young adults can also be affected. When someone has rheumatoid arthritis, the membranes around his or her joints become inflamed and release enzymes that cause the surrounding cartilage and bone to wear away. In severe cases, other tissues and body organs also can be affected. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often experience pain, swelling, and stiffness in their joints, especially those in the hands and feet. Motion can be limited in the affected joints, curtailing one’s ability to accomplish even the most basic everyday tasks. About one-quarter of those with rheumatoid arthritis develop nodules (bumps) that grow under the skin, usually close to the joints. Fatigue, anemia (low red blood cell count), neck pain, and dry eyes and mouth can also occur in individuals with the disease. Some may even feel sick, tired and feverish. Rheumatoid Arthritis Management And Prevention Techniques Eat a lot of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to help ease pain and inflammation naturally. Eat a lot of fresh fish including salmon, halibut and tuna. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a good source of fats) for cooking or marinating fish. Eat a lot of berries with anti-oxidants. Decrease your consumption of saturated fats especially trans fat. Since your rheumatoid arthritis could be the result of a food allergy, limit your intake of refined sugars/flour and dairy products. Limit your intake of stimulants but increase your intake of water. Water is so essential for healthy joints. You should supplement your diet with the right multi-vitamin/mineral. Be sure to get between 1000-1200 mg of Calcium per day and no more. Take a Multi-vitamin or calcium supplement that contains magnesium. It is best to take calcium citrate for maximum absorption. Try to get a multi-vitamin with Boron because this mineral helps to reduce the excretion of calcium and magnesium. I would also suggest taking 2200-3000 mg of MSM per day especially for rheumatoid sufferers as this will help settle your immune system and reduce the action of attacking your own joints. As far as herbal therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, drinking Green Tea should provide anti-inflammatory effects for sufferers; so do combinations of boswella, turmeric, ginger, skullcap, and ginseng. Exercising can be challenging for people with rheumatoid arthritis, and it needs to be balanced with rest when the disease is active. However, regular exercises such as walking can help prevent bone loss and, by enhancing balance and flexibility, can also reduce the likelihood of falling and breaking a bone. Exercise is also important for preserving joint mobility. FINAL COMMENTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP. Among about 50 other medical conditions including heart attack and stroke, osteoporosis and arthritis are directly linked to high levels of homocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is a type of protein that should only be measured in very low levels in the body for optimum health. People with high levels of homocysteine increase their risks for a host of medical diseases and complications. In fact it is now considered one of the main predictors of life expectancy. That is why it is so important to maintain low levels of this protein in your blood. You can do this by doing everything aforementioned and also by supplementing with folic acid and B complex vitamins. This is absolutely essential for optimum health not to mention osteoporosis and arthritis prevention and management. JUST SO YOU KNOW: Exclusive Health Products is now introducing a complete Omega-3 Supplement for optimum heart and cardiovascular health. It contains the right balance of Omega-3's and Omega-6's such as fish oil, flaxseed, Evening Primrose Oil, and Borage Seed Oil which help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains garlic which is extremely healthy for your heart and cardiovascular system. It contains superfoods or super anti-oxidants in Chlorella and Spirulina which will help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains grape seed extract which is another huge anti-oxidant as much as 10 times as powerful as Vitamin C. And don't worry, this formula also contains folic acid and other B vitamins to make sure your homocysteine levels are reduced so you maintain optimum health. Why Should You Always Try A Natural Remedy Before Prescription Medication Or Over-The-Counter Medication??? The number 1 reason for trying an herbal remedy before trying a prescription drug is safety. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are overpowering on your body. Your body has no choice but to stand down and let these drugs take charge. This unleashes toxic side effects on your body including your heart, stomach, kidneys and liver. This overwhelming effect can also suppress or hurt your immune system making you vulnerable for infection or future complications and illness. Herbal remedies work alongside your immune system and act as a team to deliver a desired effect for your body. This is because herbal remedies are very complex. Instead of just having one isolated effect, they have several effects on the human body but at very low dosages. When you use an herbal preparation or remedy, your body is very selective in terms of the way it wants to use it. It will use it in conjunction with the immune system to help prevent infection, relieve pain and inflammation, or reach the desired effect. The best part is that it may reach the desired effect without suppressing your immune system and without causing drastic side effects to your body and its organs. Here Is My Suggestion For You! Try Amazing Arthritis Relief Premium Natural Remedy and experience a natural blend of the best herbal and nutritional ingredients for reducing and even eliminating your pain and inflammation. Ingredients such as boswellia, bromelain, devil’s claw, ginger and turmeric have all shown to really help relieve pain and inflammation in bones, joints, the hips, back and rest of the body. Amazing Arthritis Relief has Glucosamine for joint support and function. It also contains Boron and Vitamin D to help your body absorb more calcium. Allow your body to become pain-free by experiencing this highly-effective formula safely and naturally. And if you don’t believe me, then be sure to read all the testimonials on our website. Get Omega-3 Exclusive and Amazing Arthritis Relief right now for the best bone and joint health. Get them both for optimum health. Thanks for listening and have a great day.
Proper posture is important because it keeps your spine in a more neutral position that does not put pressure on bones, muscles, disks, soft tissue, nerves and other structures in the back.
Now I know what you are thinking already. "I practice good posture and I don't need to read this." Ahhh...but do you really pay attention to your posture? Can you honestly say when you sit down or take a walk that you are reminding yourself about your posture?
I bet the only time you really pay attention to your posture is when you sit up after slouching in your seat and then tell yourself, "I am practicing good posture." Now think about all the times that you practice bad posture and don't even realize it.
And you wonder why you have back pain? Look, unless you are a robot, you can't practice perfect posture all the time. Whether sitting or standing, just try to be more aware of your overall posture.
But what can you do to practice better posture besides just sitting up straight?
One of the easiest ways to fall into a habit of poor posture is typing at a computer. Your hands reach for the keyboard which causes your shoulders to slump forward. This promotes poor posture and can lead to back problems.
Here's a trick. Get a yard stick and place it across the center of your sternum just below your clavicle bones. As you are sitting and holding the yard stick (or you could have someone hold it for you) try to keep your shoulders from touching it. You shouldn't feel like you have to hold your shoulders back either.
Good posture should always be comfortable. This will teach you to keep your shoulders from slumping forward and causing you to have poor posture. Practice this a few times with the yard stick. Do it long enough until it is reinforced in your mind and you are trained to keep your shoulders back without having to use a yard stick.
Also, try not to lean to one side while either sitting or standing. It's so easy to just lean to one side and let your elbow rest on a table while sitting or lean your body weight to one side while standing in one place. These tiny shifts albeit small and seemingly insignificant put a gradual strain on the muscles, ligaments and vertebrae in your back.
You can also analyze your own posture while sitting in front of a mirror. Look in the mirror and see if you are sitting all the way back in your chair. See if your shoulders are slumped forward? Does the lower lumbar area of your back fit snug up against your chair if it has a lumbar support? Are you sitting straight in the chair instead of at an angle? Are you leaning too much against the back of the chair which can promote the sagging of back muscles and poor posture? These are just some of the observations you can make to better analyze faults so you can make the necessary adjustments for better overall posture.
Do you own a good pair of shoes?
It is so important to have a relatively new pair of comfortable running shoes or casual shoes or boots to maintain good posture. I once owned a pair of rubber-soled boots that I wore for about 2 years. One of the rubber soles of the boots was completely worn down making one of my legs essentially longer than the other and throwing my spine completely out of alignment.
Moral of the story: Check your shoes and make sure you don't have the same problem. If you have a pair of running shoes, you might want to consider buying a new pair every 3-6 months depending on how much you run.
One more thought that immediately comes to mind while we are on the subject of leg length is short-leg syndrome. Many people may have one leg slightly shorter than the other and not even know it. If you suspect this might be the cause of your back pain, you might want to see a chiropractor or an orthapaedist to make a proper evaluation. A simple lift or insert in your shoe might be all you need to correct this problem and end your back pain.
If you really have a hard time maintaining good posture you can try a support or lumbar device such as a lumbar roll. Since many sofas or pieces of furniture are so poorly designed for your back anatomically, a lumbar roll should certainly be used on a chair or especially a couch that really doesn't offer any lumbar support.
When it comes to preventing back pain, proper posture is one of the best ways to maintain a pain-free back. Getting in this habit offers your spine more of the benefits of a neutral position that takes pressure off vertebrae, muscles, disks, nerves, cartilage and other structures in the back.
Proper posture is important because it keeps your spine in a more neutral position that does not put pressure on bones, muscles, disks, soft tissue, nerves and other structures in the back.
Now I know what you are thinking already. "I practice good posture and I don't need to read this." Ahhh...but do you really pay attention to your posture? Can you honestly say when you sit down or take a walk that you are reminding yourself about your posture?
I bet the only time you really pay attention to your posture is when you sit up after slouching in your seat and then tell yourself, "I am practicing good posture." Now think about all the times that you practice bad posture and don't even realize it.
And you wonder why you have back pain? Look, unless you are a robot, you can't practice perfect posture all the time. Whether sitting or standing, just try to be more aware of your overall posture.
But what can you do to practice better posture besides just sitting up straight?
One of the easiest ways to fall into a habit of poor posture is typing at a computer. Your hands reach for the keyboard which causes your shoulders to slump forward. This promotes poor posture and can lead to back problems.
Here's a trick. Get a yard stick and place it across the center of your sternum just below your clavicle bones. As you are sitting and holding the yard stick (or you could have someone hold it for you) try to keep your shoulders from touching it. You shouldn't feel like you have to hold your shoulders back either.
Good posture should always be comfortable. This will teach you to keep your shoulders from slumping forward and causing you to have poor posture. Practice this a few times with the yard stick. Do it long enough until it is reinforced in your mind and you are trained to keep your shoulders back without having to use a yard stick.
Also, try not to lean to one side while either sitting or standing. It's so easy to just lean to one side and let your elbow rest on a table while sitting or lean your body weight to one side while standing in one place. These tiny shifts albeit small and seemingly insignificant put a gradual strain on the muscles, ligaments and vertebrae in your back.
You can also analyze your own posture while sitting in front of a mirror. Look in the mirror and see if you are sitting all the way back in your chair. See if your shoulders are slumped forward? Does the lower lumbar area of your back fit snug up against your chair if it has a lumbar support? Are you sitting straight in the chair instead of at an angle? Are you leaning too much against the back of the chair which can promote the sagging of back muscles and poor posture? These are just some of the observations you can make to better analyze faults so you can make the necessary adjustments for better overall posture.
Do you own a good pair of shoes?
It is so important to have a relatively new pair of comfortable running shoes or casual shoes or boots to maintain good posture. I once owned a pair of rubber-soled boots that I wore for about 2 years. One of the rubber soles of the boots was completely worn down making one of my legs essentially longer than the other and throwing my spine completely out of alignment.
Moral of the story: Check your shoes and make sure you don't have the same problem. If you have a pair of running shoes, you might want to consider buying a new pair every 3-6 months depending on how much you run.
One more thought that immediately comes to mind while we are on the subject of leg length is short-leg syndrome. Many people may have one leg slightly shorter than the other and not even know it. If you suspect this might be the cause of your back pain, you might want to see a chiropractor or an orthapaedist to make a proper evaluation. A simple lift or insert in your shoe might be all you need to correct this problem and end your back pain.
If you really have a hard time maintaining good posture you can try a support or lumbar device such as a lumbar roll. Since many sofas or pieces of furniture are so poorly designed for your back anatomically, a lumbar roll should certainly be used on a chair or especially a couch that really doesn't offer any lumbar support.
When it comes to preventing back pain, proper posture is one of the best ways to maintain a pain-free back. Getting in this habit offers your spine more of the benefits of a neutral position that takes pressure off vertebrae, muscles, disks, nerves, cartilage and other structures in the back.
Obviously a congenital condition or a spinal condition really puts you behind the 8 ball. A condition you are born with is most likely going to be with you throughout your entire life. Sounds real depressing. But for every down there is an up or for every negative there is a positive. At least that's been my philosophy when it comes to combating, eliminating and managing my own back pain and spinal stenosis.
If you suffer with a spinal condition, explore all your options for treatment and pain management. Ask your doctor or chiropractor about the newest technologies or advancements.
Seek the advice of a medically licensed osteopath physician who is knowledgable about chiropractic care as well as several forms of alternative medicine for all kinds of spinal conditions.
You may even want to seek the advice of a naturopathic physician who can open your eyes to some home-based herbal or homeopathic remedies and perhaps devise an optimum nutrition plan pertaining to your own specific circumstances.
Surgery should always be a last resort to your back pain solution. If you are thinking about surgery, always ask your doctor about the potential dangers and risks. Don't just rely on one opinion from your doctor either. Get at least 2-3 opinions before taking such a huge step.
Also, if you decide to have surgery, you must have realistic expectations about the outcome. Understand that back surgery may only offer a temporary solution and have a longer recovery time compared to other types of surgery. Don't get discouraged if it takes several months for discs, bones and especially nerves to heal completely after surgery.
Do not underestimate the power of nutrition for relieving your back pain even if you suffer with a congenital spine condition. Eating the proper balance of Omega-3's and Omega-6's will help reduce pain and inflammation throughout your back naturally. Excellent sources of Omega-3's include salmon, herring, mackerel, cashews, almonds, and leafy greens.
A diet rich in a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables will give your body the anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals it needs for guarding against infection and speeding up the healing process in damaged areas.
You should limit your intake of refined sugars and flours. These will increase your insulin levels which have a tendency to increase the level of "bad" prostaglandins in your body. Prostaglandins are somewhat similar to a hormone that are sent to damaged areas in the body in order to attract white blood cells. This is a good thing, however, too many prostaglandins can cause severe pain and inflammation.
Be sure to drink lots of water for healthy disks, joints and soft tissue. So many people suffer from chronic dehydration and don't even know it. Just as arthritis sufferers' joints deteriorate, so do back pain sufferers' disks when hydration is insufficient. Disks that lose water eventually lose their buoyancy and structure increasing the risk for herniations.
Be sure to take a good multi-vitamin/mineral that contains Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Boron, and Vitamin C just to name a few.
Do not underestimate the power of strength training. Postmenopausal women, especially, should be very concerned about maintaining strong bones. Strength training is a great way to increase bone strength and density that will last for a lifetime.
You should also treat your back or spinal condition as a challenge or even motivation to work especially hard toward relieving your back pain. Be as knowledgable as you can and humble about your own particular spinal condition but also be defiant that it is going to rule your life.
In a way your back must take center stage in your daily thoughts especially if you suffer with a condition or spinal disorder. You have to be thinking about what you are doing to your back each and everyday as far as the way you sit, stand, twist, or move at all. You must always be keenly aware of the dangers and risks that any behaviors or actions can impose on your back.
At the same time you must be willing and motivated to make the necessary sacrifices and improvements for the sake of your overall spine health
Obviously a congenital condition or a spinal condition really puts you behind the 8 ball. A condition you are born with is most likely going to be with you throughout your entire life. Sounds real depressing. But for every down there is an up or for every negative there is a positive. At least that's been my philosophy when it comes to combating, eliminating and managing my own back pain and spinal stenosis.
If you suffer with a spinal condition, explore all your options for treatment and pain management. Ask your doctor or chiropractor about the newest technologies or advancements.
Seek the advice of a medically licensed osteopath physician who is knowledgable about chiropractic care as well as several forms of alternative medicine for all kinds of spinal conditions.
You may even want to seek the advice of a naturopathic physician who can open your eyes to some home-based herbal or homeopathic remedies and perhaps devise an optimum nutrition plan pertaining to your own specific circumstances.
Surgery should always be a last resort to your back pain solution. If you are thinking about surgery, always ask your doctor about the potential dangers and risks. Don't just rely on one opinion from your doctor either. Get at least 2-3 opinions before taking such a huge step.
Also, if you decide to have surgery, you must have realistic expectations about the outcome. Understand that back surgery may only offer a temporary solution and have a longer recovery time compared to other types of surgery. Don't get discouraged if it takes several months for discs, bones and especially nerves to heal completely after surgery.
Do not underestimate the power of nutrition for relieving your back pain even if you suffer with a congenital spine condition. Eating the proper balance of Omega-3's and Omega-6's will help reduce pain and inflammation throughout your back naturally. Excellent sources of Omega-3's include salmon, herring, mackerel, cashews, almonds, and leafy greens.
A diet rich in a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables will give your body the anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals it needs for guarding against infection and speeding up the healing process in damaged areas.
You should limit your intake of refined sugars and flours. These will increase your insulin levels which have a tendency to increase the level of "bad" prostaglandins in your body. Prostaglandins are somewhat similar to a hormone that are sent to damaged areas in the body in order to attract white blood cells. This is a good thing, however, too many prostaglandins can cause severe pain and inflammation.
Be sure to drink lots of water for healthy disks, joints and soft tissue. So many people suffer from chronic dehydration and don't even know it. Just as arthritis sufferers' joints deteriorate, so do back pain sufferers' disks when hydration is insufficient. Disks that lose water eventually lose their buoyancy and structure increasing the risk for herniations.
Be sure to take a good multi-vitamin/mineral that contains Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Vitamin K, Boron, and Vitamin C just to name a few.
Do not underestimate the power of strength training. Postmenopausal women, especially, should be very concerned about maintaining strong bones. Strength training is a great way to increase bone strength and density that will last for a lifetime.
You should also treat your back or spinal condition as a challenge or even motivation to work especially hard toward relieving your back pain. Be as knowledgable as you can and humble about your own particular spinal condition but also be defiant that it is going to rule your life.
In a way your back must take center stage in your daily thoughts especially if you suffer with a condition or spinal disorder. You have to be thinking about what you are doing to your back each and everyday as far as the way you sit, stand, twist, or move at all. You must always be keenly aware of the dangers and risks that any behaviors or actions can impose on your back.
At the same time you must be willing and motivated to make the necessary sacrifices and improvements for the sake of your overall spine health
If you feel that back pain is completely overwhelming your life, you are not alone. So many people live with debilitating, even crippling back pain everyday seemingly with no end in sight.
It is a daily ritual for them to reach into the medicine cabinet and pop a pill of their favorite over-the-counter pain reliever or doctor prescribed medication.
Despite the publicized health risks for taking these drugs on a continuous basis, back pain sufferers continue to swallow pills even if the relief only lasts temporarily and is miniscule at best. A cycle of doctor visits, pick-ups at the local pharmacy and popping pills becomes a way of life.
But does it have to be this way? Are we truly limited to just a bottle of medication with potential side effects and the one-sided advice from a doctor?
First, you must understand that everyone for the most part has access to a huge arsenal of tools for combating, eliminating and managing back pain. But not everyone has the same degree and cause of back pain.
It is so important to find and effectively use the right set of tools for your own particular situation.
For example, too much rest or relaxation (a tool for getting rid of back pain) has the potential to be detrimental to your health if weak and underdeveloped muscles are the underlying cause of your back pain.
On the other hand, if you suffer a herniated disk from playing a sport, rest and relaxation may play a larger role in a quick recovery.
So essentially, effectively treating your back pain first depends on identifying the primary cause(s) or origin(s) of your back pain.
The better you are at identifying the cause of back pain for your own particular situation, the more specific and exact your arsenal of tools will become to effectively eliminate your back pain for good.
So after all that, you must identify the cause(s) of your back pain. Let's look at some common causes of back pain.
Common Causes Of Back Pain
-Poor Posture-Injury (Sports, Car Accident, Fall, etc.)-Poor Genetics Or Congenital Disorder (Scoliosis, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disk, etc.)-Using Improper Lifting Techniques-Obesity-Frail Bone Structure/Osteoporosis/Osteoarthritis-Muscle Weakness/Imbalances-Lack Of Exercise/Sedentary Lifestyle-Poor Nutrition-Stress/Anxiety-Poor Sleep-Performing A Repetitive Motion That Puts Strain On Your Back
Take a good long look at the list above. Just about everyone who suffers with back pain can relate to one or several if not all of these common causes of back pain. I, personally, can relate to every single one.
And it's ok to have several causes or identifiers of your back pain. The more you can discover, the more weapons you will have to effectively combat and eliminate your back pain for good.
Back pain is similar to a weed. You can't just mow over the top of it and hope you never see it again. You have to find the root of the weed or the root of the problem in order to effectively treat it.
How do you do this?
Well, you need to examine your own lifestyle. I would like you to ask yourself these questions to help determine your cause(s) of back pain:

Tis Year Make Sure Back Pain Isn't Served With The Holiday Cooking!By, Mike Saros
Another holiday season is upon us when we indulge ourselves with holiday cheer and of course lots of great food. The food is everywhere during this time of the year.
Eating Grandma's cookies and desserts almost becomes a second job. Add in a few X-mas parties and pretty soon you are saying to yourself that your favorite pair of jeans somehow shrunk.
But being overweight can lead to a lot more serious consequences besides a pair of jeans that somehow "shrunk." Adding a few extra pounds can lead to back pain and even more serious problems like heart and liver disease and diabetes just to name a few.
But how can you accurately tell if your are overweight? One of the ways to determine if you are overweight is by calculating your body mass index or (BMI). Your body mass index is a value indicative of your body's fat content. In order to calculate your BMI you need to divide your weight by the square of your height. If you google "BMI calculator" you should have no problem determining your Body Mass Index.
A BMI of anything greater than 25 might mean you are overweight. I say "might" because this calculator does not take into account bone or muscle mass which increases the BMI. For instance, I'm 6 feet tall and 192 pounds. My BMI is about 26 which seems to indicate that I'm overweight. Now, I admit I could probably lose a couple pounds but I'm not overweight.
Now, if you don't carry a lot of muscle mass or if you aren't big boned, then you can probably use the BMI calculator as a close to accurate indicator of being overweight or obese.
There was a time when I, myself, was overweight. I actually weighed over 200 pounds. I know for a fact that my back pain was the result of not exercising and eating a lot of junk food.
As I changed my lifestyle and began eating healthier and exercising regularly, I began to lose weight. Once this happened I noticed that my back pain diminished in frequency and intensity.
But what are some things you can do to lose weight especially during the festive holiday season? Or should the real question be...
How can YOU GET MOTIVATED to lose weight?
Motivation must come from inside you. One of the ways to stir up motivation inside you is to get a better understanding of all the benefits regular exercise and sound nutrition have to offer you.
For instance, you may already tell yourself to eat right and exercise to lose weight. But instead, what if you say to yourself "I have to eat right and exercise regularly to..."
1. Lose weight 2. End my back pain 3. Strengthen my heart 4. Reduce fat in my arteries 5. Keep my liver and kidneys healthy 6. Decrease my chances of Diabetes 7. Decrease my chances of getting Cancer 8. Live longer to enjoy my grandchildren 9. Feel physically and mentally stronger 10.Impress my friends and family 11.Feel great about myself 12.And on and on and on...
The more benefits you can think of for yourself personally, besides just "losing weight," the more motivated you can become to actually do something about it.
My main motivation for going to the gym is not losing weight or building muscle. It is ending my back pain and staying healthy. And you know what...I've gone to the gym now enough that I actually enjoy it. In fact, I love it. I bet you will too.
But being motivated is not enough. It does require a REAL SOLID commitment to take action. I'm talking about eating carrot sticks instead of potato chips and going to the gym instead of lying on the couch watching your favorite movie. Those aren't exactly huge sacrifices for a lot of us but they are sacrifices and they do involve change which most human beings naturally resist.
Once you change over to healthy lifestyle, you simply must fight the temptation to quit because it is new to you or uncomfortable at first. The more you live a health conscious lifestyle the easier it will get and the more lasting benefits (like the ones numbered above) you will see and experience in your life.
So this year enjoy yourself but make an effort not to overeat Grandma's cookies. Make some time for a workout or even just a walk on a treadmill. The important thing is to stay active. Get motivated and enjoy all the healthy benefits of trimming down this holiday season. Your back will appreciate it and so will your favorite pair of jeans.
Six Things You Need To Know If You Suffer With A Herniated Disk! You know the feeling. The dull ache mixed in with the frequent sharp bursts of pain while doing something as simple as walking from the bedroom to the bathroom.
You once took simple activities like this for granted until your back started hurting. Perhaps it began with a lower back ache? Not too unusual. A lot of people get back pain throughout their life.
But this pain steadily got worse. It didn't take long for you to notice a sharp pain in your hip and perhaps even a sharp pain down one of your legs.
It is confirmed now. You just got back from the doctor who says you have a herniated disk. So What do you do now?
Here are some simple techniques you can practice right away to help relieve your sciatica caused by a herniated disk in the lumbar region.
1. Lie down on a couch or bed in a prone position.
This should put your spine in a better position to offer more comfort and some quick relief. Sitting in a chair for long periods of time, even one that offers good back support, may aggravate your pain and discourage your disk from healing. If lying in a prone position is no good, try lying on your side and gently arching your back.
While lying in the prone position practice arching your back by gently pushing up with your hands. Try to keep your lower back and lower body relaxed as much as possible. If this position hurts in any way, STOP! Try practicing this exercise throughout the day (maybe 2-3 times) for at least 5-10 minutes at a time.
2. Drink lots of water.
If you have a herniated disk, especially, it is so important to drink lots of water to help it heal. Many experts have theories on how much water to drink each day. I think it is wise to drink at least 10-12 8oz. glasses of water per day. I believe this will make up for dehydration that may occur unknowingly due to consumption of sodas, coffees, alcoholic beverages and daily perspiration. Since an increase in water consumption may reduce sodium levels in the body, try drinking a glass of orange juice each day for its potassium content.
3. Eat healthy.
You must eat healthy. Unfortunately, especially in the United States, commercials and ads have trained us to think that drugs and medications are the only answers to our back pain problems. The most important thing you can ingest in your body is the proper nourishment it needs to help facilitate healing. Drugs and medications offer temporary relief but they do not heal. Your body heals itself. In order to optimize healing in the body you must eat a lot of different-colored fruits and vegetables. This is the best way to improve and bolster your immune system to speed up healing and achieve real, long-term relief. Also, be sure NOT to skip meals. Your body needs all the nourishment it can get at this critical point in time.
4. Swim
Swimming is a great way to give your back a break. The buoyancy of water can offer tremendous relief for someone with mild to severe back pain. I definitely recommend either swimming on your back or using the breaststroke. Both of these positions gently arch your back which is ideal for those suffering with herniated disks in the lumbar region. This also is a great way to speed up blood flow to injured areas. This will promote faster healing.
5. Take it easy.
If you have a herniated disk right now, you need to be careful. Pay attention to your back. Be conscious of your posture whether standing or sitting. Don't be a hero and lift anything remotely heavy. If you drive a lot, be sure to take frequent breaks. If your back is hurting, stop what you are doing and rest in a prone position. Practice relaxing your lower back muscles. Be sure to breathe and work on gently arching your lower back like I explained in #1.
6. Don't take anything for granted.
The odds, believe it or not, are in your favor. Most people do recover from a herniated disk on their own. The unlucky few, including myself, need surgery. Of course, had I known what I know now, I might have been able to avoid my surgical procedure for 2 herniated disks. Once your pain goes away, don't think that everything is ok. A bulging or herniated disk can happen at anytime for any reason. Always be on your guard and don't do anything that could put your back at risk for another injury.

I have been a practicing Chiropractor for 30 years and a herniated disc sufferer for 34 years. I went into my profession as a result of having received some help with my lower back problem through traditional chiropractic care. However it never completely resolved my problem. About 10 years ago, Dr Allen Dyer the inventor of the cardiac defibrillator, began researching lower back pain and the effects of long axis tractive forces on the lumbar discs. He developed a $100,000 machine called a Vax-D which proved to be about 70% effective in correcting both single and multiple herniations of the lumbar spine. It accomplished this by reducing the intradiscal pressure ( by applying long axis tractive force through a harness) by approximately 180mm of pressure. This actually causes the bulging or herniated disc to be sucked back in from its bulged out position. During this process water, oxygen and nutrients are also drawn into the interior of the disc from the vascular endplates of the vertebrae above and below the target disc. This allows for actual healing of the disc after approximately 20 of these treatments are given. Various enhancements and changes have been made to the design of decompression tables over the past 10 years and positive results now approach 90% for the most advanced models with a well trained practitioner utilizing it. My disc problem of over 30 year duration is now completely relieved thanks to treatment on the most advanced decompression table available called the Extentrac Elite M3D invented by Dr. David Cuccia of Syosset, Long Island, NY. This miraculous device can specifically target the involved disc and direction of herniation and apply corrective forces in the proper vector to most effectively decompress it. The table allows for multiple positioning and placement of the patient either supine or prone (face up or face down). The pelvic section also is multi-positional so that the pelvis can be brought into the most advantageous position and angle for decompression. The leg piece section which can also move side to side as well as up and down which allows foces to be sent to the side of the disc that needs to be decompressed. The other major decompression tables in use today only allow for a straight long axis pull to occur and you must lay on your back for treatment. These other tables have a difficult time getting results with spinal stenosis. The spinal canal opens another 15% when your being decompressed face down or laying on your stomach so the Extentrac's versatility and ability to treat face up or face down is a definite winner for these stenosis patients. This treatment ended my 34 years of suffering like nothing ever has. I am very greatful to the concepters and inventors of spinal decompression. It is truly a Godsend and major advancement in the treatment of low back pain.
I have a degenerating disc at L5-S1. It's not severely herniated on any side, just a small central herniation with no noticeable nerve impingement. Although a previous MRI stated I have foraminal stenosis; the latest MRI didn’t catch it. Go figure. This got me thinking that maybe I had piriformis syndrome in addition to the degenerating disc. After some stretching and piriformis massage, I found some sciatic relief, but my primary problem was burning in both of my feet, easily traced to the L5-S1 level. Both the sciatica and the feet burning came on only when sitting. And sitting up straight with proper posture all the time is impossible (and doesn’t work). As a tech writer, I had to sit all day and find a way to deal with this problem, or get a fusion, or find another line of work. Ugh. After a few years of this, I was at my wits end. Lyrica helped a lot with the nerve pain, but the drug made me dizzy and stupid. Injections lasted only a week. Radio frequency lesioning was promising but failed. Stretching helped somewhat. Then I started Cymbalta, which I didn’t finish because it made me sexually dysfunctional. Screw that. Then I saw a brief report on the news about how chairs are all designed wrong, and that we have been conditioned to sit incorrectly for all of our lives (bent 90 degrees at the hips). The best spinal posture, they said, was more like 135 degrees, almost like being in a lounge chair. I looked into it and figured out how to sit. I realized that by sitting incorrectly, I was squashing that L5-S1 disc, decreasing height and space in there, and pinching both nerve branches. In your office environment, you want a chair that’s more like a bar stool, about a third as high as you, and you sit in it like a rider sits in a saddle (except without your thighs spread). Ever wonder why a rider on a horse always has good posture when in the saddle? As your thighs drop and your hips roll forward, your lumbar is pulled with it. Your spine suddenly aligns as it was designed, in the S shape. You’ll find that you sit perfectly balanced without having to flex any trunk muscles. All the weight of your body is distributed along the whole spine. You do not need a back rest. I can also lean back in the chair, and if my spine maintains that shape, I still don’t get the nerve pain. In ONE DAY all of my nerve pain was gone. I tossed my drugs. I’m still a little “saddle sore” but figure I’ll get used to it. I’m still looking for the perfect chair. I use one made bye HAG that raises somewhat high and lets me sit on the front edge of the seat. Some day all offices will incorporate this seating style, mark my words. What makes me mad is that not one single doctor or physical therapist had any clue about this. All they wanted to do was cut me open or schedule an endless session of appointments.
Lower Back Pain Exercises For Back Pain Relief
Stretching And Exercise Tips:
-Be sure to do all stretches or exercises in a mild and controlled manner. Don't bounce!-It is a good idea to warm up your muscles before stretching.-Be sure to breathe deeply while you stretch by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your nose and mouth.-Hold stretches for 15-30 seconds.-Do not overstretch. If it hurts...STOP!

This stretch is good for the muscles in the lower back and groin areas. Try to maintain proper posture when doing this stretch. Be sure to alternate with both legs in front of you. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds each time and try to avoid bouncing back and forth. This should be a nice and controlled stretch.

This stretch is called the "cat" stretch. It is a good way to arch your back and hopefully provide some relief or comfort. When doing this stretch you should alternate arching and rounding your back.

This stretch is a simple knee to chest stretch. It helps stretch the muscles of the lower back and buttocks. You should alternate wth each leg when doing this stretch.

This stretch is called the pelvic tilt. It involves lying flat on the floor with your knees bent. You should place your hands on the back side of your hips and gently push your pelvis up while slightly arching your back. Hopefully this will offer some pain relief in your lower back.

This stretch is called the bridge. It is similar to a pelvic tilt however you are raising more of your body off the ground. Notice how the hands, arms, shoulders, neck and head are lying flat on the ground in a rested position while the spine is arched.

This stretch is an excellent lower back stretch. It really helps people with a herniated disk in the lumbar area or people with bouts of sciatica. It is so important to try and relax your lower back when doing this stretch. In the picture above you really want to feel like your lower back is sagging into the floor. In the picture below the woman is only keeping her toes, elbows, forearms and hands on the ground. This is a good exercise for the lower back and trunk muscles. The first time you do this exercise you might want to keep your knees on the ground as well; but be sure that you really feel a good muscle contraction in the abdominal and lower back muscles.
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Source: HealthSentinel.com A single nutrient that keeps bones strong, wards off diabetes, and protects against tuberculosis, cancer, colds, and the flu. Sound too good to be true? Well it is true, but you're almost certainly not getting enough. Research on vitamin D has flooded out over the past few months, linking a growing array of health ills to low levels of the nutrient. Scientists now know that the vitamin, which is naturally produced in skin exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays, binds to cell receptors throughout the body and that a lack can cause various systems to malfunction. Last week, for example, University of Pittsburgh researchers reported that a D deficiency doubles the risk of dangerous hypertension during pregnancy, since the nutrient helps control a hormone affecting blood pressure. In March, a study examining how the vitamin affects the pancreas's release of insulin found the risk of diabetes to be one-third lower in people with the highest levels than in those getting the least. "The vitamin D story is becoming clear. I think it's very exciting," says Robert Heaney, a professor of medicine at Creighton University in Nebraska who has researched the nutrient's effects on the bones and who, like many researchers, now thinks supplements are a good idea. Prior to the industrial revolution, humans had no trouble getting an abundance of the sunshine vitamin; a mere 10 to 15 minutes outdoors at midday gives the average fair-skinned person 10,000 international units. That's far above the government's dietary recommendations of 200 IUs a day up to age 50, 400 IUs to age 70, and 600 IUs over 70. But most people nowadays spend little time outdoors, and food sources such as milk and salmon contain relatively modest amounts. What's more, the rash of new findings suggests to the experts that the guidelines are way too low. "There's no one working in the field who thinks these levels still make sense," says Walter Willett, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard University whose recent studies have focused on the connection between vitamin D and cancer. Many people run particularly short during the winter, says vitamin D researcher Michael Holick, a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. That's because anyone living north of Atlanta makes little, if any, from the sun when the UV rays fall at too low an angle to penetrate the atmosphere. Beyond bones. Vitamin D is best known for promoting bone health. It was first added to the milk supply in the 1930s to prevent the bone-deforming disease rickets, and it defends against osteoporosis by triggering the absorption of calcium into bone cells. New evidence indicates that many people suffering symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia actually have a painful softening of the bones that is caused by a D deficiency. But having too little appears to cause the immune system to weaken as well. A landmark study published in the March issue of Science found that cells from African-Americans (whose dark skin doesn't efficiently absorb UV rays) churned out 63 percent less of a protein needed to fight off tuberculosis than expected. When added to the cells, vitamin D appeared to signal the cells to produce normal levels of the protein. An immune system link might explain why the flu seems to strike only during the winter. A review of more than 100 studies on vitamin D and respiratory diseases, published in the current Epidemiology and Infection, found that low levels probably allow the viruses to penetrate the immune system. "It's the first comprehensive theory set forth to explain the seasonality of influenza," says vitamin D expert and lead author John Cannell, president of the Vitamin D Council and staff psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California. What's now needed, he says, is a trial to see if those exposed to flu viruses are less likely to come down with an infection if they take supplements. The possibility intrigues researchers bracing for an outbreak of avian flu, which quickly kills by triggering an excessive immune response. Victims often suffocate when an onslaught of disease-fighting cells, known as a cytokine storm, results in a rapid buildup of fluid in the lungs. Experts think vitamin D might rev up the part of the immune system that prevents the germs from gaining entry to cells in the first place. "This puts a damper on the part of the immune system that releases the cytokine storm," says Michael Zasloff, an immunologist and vitamin D researcher at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Research shows that the mechanism also seems to protect against multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, in which the immune system attacks the body's own healthy tissue. With cancer, it's thought that vitamin D might prevent tumors from rapidly growing by controlling the expression of certain genes that regulate cell division. In a study of more than 46,000 men and 75,000 women reported in September, Harvard University researchers led by Walter Willett found that people who took in the highest amounts of vitamin D cut their risk of pancreatic cancer almost in half, compared with those with the lowest intakes. Earlier, they'd found a similar degree of protection against colon cancer in women. Other researchers are examining vitamin D in breast and prostate cancers. "The epidemiological evidence is very strong; we know there has to be something going on," says Anthony Norman, a professor of biochemistry at the University of California-Riverside who has extensively researched the vitamin D receptor. Is the evidence strong enough to recommend supplements for cancer prevention? "Unequivocally yes," he says. How much to take? The government last year suggested that African-Americans and the elderly might want more than the guidelines suggest, but it has set 2,000 IUs as its ceiling for safety. Most experts think the limit is too conservative, noting that there's no evidence of toxicity at much higher doses and that 2,000 IUs is a worthy goal for everybody. Consuming 3 ounces of tuna, two glasses of milk, and a glass of fortified orange juice will get you to 500 IUs, and a supplement or two will get you the rest. Get 500 I.U.s of Vitamin D in each serving of Back Relief Elite!_________________
OSTEOPOROSIS Osteoporosis is a major health threat for mostly millions of postmenopausal women. It is a bone disease that causes bones to break down and become brittle to the point where they are at high risk for fracture. Those who are very thin or have a small frame are at high risk for osteoporosis. Other high risk factors include having a family history of the disease; having had early menopause; having a low calcium intake (less than 1200 mg per day); having a low Vitamin D intake (not getting at least 400 I.U.'s per day); consuming too much meat or concentrated protein; not being physically active; being a smoker; and consuming too much alcohol, soda and/or coffee. Early signs of osteoporosis may start with sharp lower back pain which could mean a stress fracture. Signs of diminished height or a humpback look (kyphosis) is a good indication that the bones of the spine are losing substance and becoming porous. Osteoporosis Management and Prevention Techniques For strong and healthy bones, you absolutely must follow a strict nutrition plan that includes at least 1200 mg per day of calcium and at least 400 International Units I.U.'s of Vitamin D EACH DAY. Be sure to eat a well-balanced diet of grains, fruits/veggies, and fish for adequate magnesium intake as well. Good sources of calcium include low-fat dairy products; dark green, leafy vegetables; and calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Also, supplements can help ensure that the calcium requirement is met each day. Calcium citrate is the best form of calcium to take in supplement form. Vitamin D, necessary for calcium absorption in the bones, is synthesized in the skin through exposure to sunlight. While many people are able to obtain enough vitamin D naturally, older individuals are often deficient in this vitamin. This is partly because they spend limited time outdoors. Such individuals may require vitamin D supplements in order to ensure an adequate daily intake. Because meat or concentrated protein has a tendency to pull calcium out of bones, it is a good idea to eat less meat and get more protein from vegetable sources. If you are concerned about iron deficiency, you can get a good source of iron from whole grains, cooked beans, apricots and prunes. Never take an iron supplement. Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. The best exercise for your bones and osteoporosis prevention is weight-bearing exercise that forces you to work against gravity. Some examples include walking, climbing stairs, lifting weights, and dancing. Also, for postmenopausal women or women showing signs of menopause or women who are hormone deficient in estrogen, it is a good idea to increase your estrogen level or make sure it is well-balanced in your body since low levels could lead to loss of bone density. OSTEOARTHRITIS Osteoarthritis, especially seen in older people, is the breaking down of cartilage, disks, joints and synovial fluid that allows our body freedom of motion. Osteoarthritis mostly affects cartilage, the hard but slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet to form a joint. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over one another. It also absorbs energy from the shock of physical movement. In osteoarthritis, the surface layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint. Over time, the joint may lose its normal shape. Also, small deposits of bone – called osteophytes or bone spurs – may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space. This causes more pain and damage. Osteoarthritis Management And Prevention Techniques Once again the importance of nutrition and exercise cannot be stressed enough to help manage and prevent osteoarthritis. Eat plenty of a variety of fruits and vegetables preferably organic. Eat lots of berries because they have anti-oxidants which help relieve pain and inflammation. Eat a lot of fish with Omega-3 Essential Fatty acids. Avoid saturated fats especially trans fat. Eat more whole grains, nuts and seeds. Try to stay away from any refined flours, pastas or rices. Drink plenty of water to help lubricate joints and disks. It is also good to take a glucosamine (1500 mg/day-1 month on and 1 month off), Chondroitin or MSM supplement for joint/cartilage support and pain reduction. Be sure to do some form of light aerobic exercise that won't be so hard on your body such as swimming, cycling, using an elliptical machine and/or a stairmaster. Even going for a walk is very important and DOES count as exercise. So just get up and move. Studies show that osteoarthritis sufferers can reduce their level of pain and discomfort with just 3 months of regular aerobic exercise. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the body attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. The disease occurs in all racial and ethnic groups, but affects two to three times as many women as men. Rheumatoid arthritis is more commonly found in older individuals, although the disease typically begins in middle age. Children and young adults can also be affected. When someone has rheumatoid arthritis, the membranes around his or her joints become inflamed and release enzymes that cause the surrounding cartilage and bone to wear away. In severe cases, other tissues and body organs also can be affected. Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis often experience pain, swelling, and stiffness in their joints, especially those in the hands and feet. Motion can be limited in the affected joints, curtailing one’s ability to accomplish even the most basic everyday tasks. About one-quarter of those with rheumatoid arthritis develop nodules (bumps) that grow under the skin, usually close to the joints. Fatigue, anemia (low red blood cell count), neck pain, and dry eyes and mouth can also occur in individuals with the disease. Some may even feel sick, tired and feverish. Rheumatoid Arthritis Management And Prevention Techniques Eat a lot of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to help ease pain and inflammation naturally. Eat a lot of fresh fish including salmon, halibut and tuna. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil (a good source of fats) for cooking or marinating fish. Eat a lot of berries with anti-oxidants. Decrease your consumption of saturated fats especially trans fat. Since your rheumatoid arthritis could be the result of a food allergy, limit your intake of refined sugars/flour and dairy products. Limit your intake of stimulants but increase your intake of water. Water is so essential for healthy joints. You should supplement your diet with the right multi-vitamin/mineral. Be sure to get between 1000-1200 mg of Calcium per day and no more. Take a Multi-vitamin or calcium supplement that contains magnesium. It is best to take calcium citrate for maximum absorption. Try to get a multi-vitamin with Boron because this mineral helps to reduce the excretion of calcium and magnesium. I would also suggest taking 2200-3000 mg of MSM per day especially for rheumatoid sufferers as this will help settle your immune system and reduce the action of attacking your own joints. As far as herbal therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, drinking Green Tea should provide anti-inflammatory effects for sufferers; so do combinations of boswella, turmeric, ginger, skullcap, and ginseng. Exercising can be challenging for people with rheumatoid arthritis, and it needs to be balanced with rest when the disease is active. However, regular exercises such as walking can help prevent bone loss and, by enhancing balance and flexibility, can also reduce the likelihood of falling and breaking a bone. Exercise is also important for preserving joint mobility. FINAL COMMENTS: THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP. Among about 50 other medical conditions including heart attack and stroke, osteoporosis and arthritis are directly linked to high levels of homocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine is a type of protein that should only be measured in very low levels in the body for optimum health. People with high levels of homocysteine increase their risks for a host of medical diseases and complications. In fact it is now considered one of the main predictors of life expectancy. That is why it is so important to maintain low levels of this protein in your blood. You can do this by doing everything aforementioned and also by supplementing with folic acid and B complex vitamins. This is absolutely essential for optimum health not to mention osteoporosis and arthritis prevention and management. JUST SO YOU KNOW: Exclusive Health Products is now introducing a complete Omega-3 Supplement for optimum heart and cardiovascular health. It contains the right balance of Omega-3's and Omega-6's such as fish oil, flaxseed, Evening Primrose Oil, and Borage Seed Oil which help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains garlic which is extremely healthy for your heart and cardiovascular system. It contains superfoods or super anti-oxidants in Chlorella and Spirulina which will help you relieve pain and inflammation naturally. It contains grape seed extract which is another huge anti-oxidant as much as 10 times as powerful as Vitamin C. And don't worry, this formula also contains folic acid and other B vitamins to make sure your homocysteine levels are reduced so you maintain optimum health. Why Should You Always Try A Natural Remedy Before Prescription Medication Or Over-The-Counter Medication??? The number 1 reason for trying an herbal remedy before trying a prescription drug is safety. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are overpowering on your body. Your body has no choice but to stand down and let these drugs take charge. This unleashes toxic side effects on your body including your heart, stomach, kidneys and liver. This overwhelming effect can also suppress or hurt your immune system making you vulnerable for infection or future complications and illness. Herbal remedies work alongside your immune system and act as a team to deliver a desired effect for your body. This is because herbal remedies are very complex. Instead of just having one isolated effect, they have several effects on the human body but at very low dosages. When you use an herbal preparation or remedy, your body is very selective in terms of the way it wants to use it. It will use it in conjunction with the immune system to help prevent infection, relieve pain and inflammation, or reach the desired effect. The best part is that it may reach the desired effect without suppressing your immune system and without causing drastic side effects to your body and its organs. Here Is My Suggestion For You! Try Amazing Arthritis Relief Premium Natural Remedy and experience a natural blend of the best herbal and nutritional ingredients for reducing and even eliminating your pain and inflammation. Ingredients such as boswellia, bromelain, devil’s claw, ginger and turmeric have all shown to really help relieve pain and inflammation in bones, joints, the hips, back and rest of the body. Amazing Arthritis Relief has Glucosamine for joint support and function. It also contains Boron and Vitamin D to help your body absorb more calcium. Allow your body to become pain-free by experiencing this highly-effective formula safely and naturally. And if you don’t believe me, then be sure to read all the testimonials on our website. Get Omega-3 Exclusive and Amazing Arthritis Relief right now for the best bone and joint health. Get them both for optimum health. Thanks for listening and have a great day.
PREFACE First and foremost, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my special reports on tendonitis. I think you will find the information in these special reports extremely helpful as well as insightful on how to effectively combat and eliminate your tendonitis pain and inflammation. I also think you will find this information to be quite illuminating about the dangers of over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Second of all, I would like to preface that I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be one. I’m not giving out medical advice. I collected my information from studying research through magazines, journals and even the internet. For your benefit I’ve tried to paint a real clear picture of tendonitis and topics of interest surrounding it. Once you read these reports, I believe you will be able to draw your own conclusions about tendonitis and make the best decision regarding your health. SPECIAL REPORT #1 What is the true cause of your tendonitis pain and inflammation? Prostaglandins are the true cause of your pain and inflammation. What are those you say? Well, they are similar to a hormone. I like to call them pgs. Your body sends prostaglandins to a location in your body that is damaged. For instance, the other day, I was playing catch with a baseball. True story. The ball short-hopped me and hit me right on the shin. Ouch! I looked down and saw a huge bump almost immediately. That bump was from pgs or the prostaglandins. My body sent them to the site of the damage (my shin). An overabundance of prostaglandins is what caused inflammation or the bump to appear on my leg. Tendonitis and inflammation work the same way. Let's say you are playing a long game of tennis. You might slowly damage a tendon and/or the surrounding muscles in your elbow or wrist. Your body sends prostaglandins to the site of the damage. Pain and inflammation occur. Hello tendonitis! But why does your body send prostaglandins to the site of damage? Your body sends them to the site to attract white blood cells. White blood cells are the little soldiers for the immune system. They simply go to the area of inflammation to repair the damage and guard against infection. So now we know what causes pain and inflammation. This is the first step in figuring out how to beat your tendonitis. So what next? Well, you need to understand how prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications actually work. Learn all about them in Special Report # 2. SPECIAL REPORT #2 How prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain relievers actually work to reduce pain and inflammation and why they are considered serious health risks? Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications a.k.a. NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are specifically designed to lower your prostaglandin levels in order to reduce inflammation and pain. You might be familiar with Cox-2 inhibitors. Cox-2 inhibitor is a fancy way of saying Vioxx, Bextra, or Celebrex. Among these prescription drugs all except Celebrex were recently banned from the market after it was unveiled that they posed serious heart attack and stroke risks. Celebrex is still on the market but it contains a large black warning about these same risks. Just recently the FDA mandated that some very popular over-the-counter pain relievers also contain a black warning label for risks of heart attack and stroke. We'll get to the reasons for this later. But what really is a Cox-2 inhibitor? I'm glad you asked. Cox-1 and Cox-2 are enzymes in your body. Cox-1 releases "good" prostaglandins that among other things are mainly responsible for proper kidney function and supplying your stomach with a protective lining of mucous. Cox-2 releases the "bad" prostaglandins or pgs to a damaged part of your body to fight infection. The prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers drastically inhibit the activity of the Cox-2 enzyme. In other words, they prevent the Cox 2 enzyme from releasing prostaglandins to reduce inflammation and pain. Over-the-counter medications also inhibit the activity of the Cox-1 enzyme. This is bad because the Cox-1 enzyme supports the stomach and kidneys. This may explain why some people that take these drugs have stomach or kidney related problems. Go look at your typical over-the-counter pain reliever that you have in your medicine cabinet. Look very closely at the warning labels. It most likely will have something on there about the risk of stomach problems such as gastrointestinal irritation, bleeding, heartburn, or ulcers. This is because these drugs inhibit the activity of the Cox-1 enzyme to make the lining that protects your stomach from acid. *In the United Kingdom, a study showed the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding for NSAIDs users. For people 16-45 years of age, 1 out of 2100 suffered gastrointestinal bleeding after using NSAIDs for one year. For adults 75 and over, 1 out of 110 suffered gastrointestinal bleeding. The study also reported the chance of dying from a gastrointestinal bleed. For people ages 16-45, 1 in 12,353 died. For people 75 years and older, 1 in 647 died from a gastrointestinal bleed. *Source: Helfand M, Peterson K, Carson Sm. Drug Class Review on NSAIDs Final Report: http://www.ohsu.edu/drug effectiveness/reports/documents/NSAIDs Final Reportu2.pdf2004 Vioxx was supposed to only inhibit the Cox-2 enzyme so the chances of gastrointestinal bleeding, irritation, or ulcers would be greatly reduced. Well, Vioxx appeared to do that but there was a problem. The problem was that the Cox-2 enzyme is not all bad. It plays a key part in dilating blood vessels, preventing blood clots, and protecting the overall cardiovascular system. Vioxx inhibited this protective action of the Cox-2 enzyme thus raising people’s risks for heart attack and stroke. This is why Vioxx was finally pulled from the market. Too many people suffered ill effects such as a heart attack or stroke from this drug. Soon after Vioxx, Bextra was also pulled from the market and Celebrex is under close scrutiny. Most over-the-counter and prescription drugs may also slow the body’s ability to repair itself and weaken or compromise its immune system. This is because many drugs drastically inhibit the COX-2 enzyme that controls the release of prostaglandins. Without prostaglandins, white blood cells can’t get to the site of inflammation and do their job of repairing damage and fighting infection. Over time this could lead to diseases or serious health problems. To quickly sum up… over-the-counter pain relievers pose health risks to the stomach and kidneys. Most over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription pain relievers pose a risk for heart attack and stroke and may slow the body’s ability to repair itself and fight infection. SPECIAL REPORT # 3 What else can we do to effectively fight and end tendonitis pain? There's a lot you can do! Most importantly and especially if you use over-the-counter or prescription meds, you need to educate yourself. You need to do your own research and make the right decision for you. And you shouldn't just take my word for it or even the word of your doctor. I hear doctors say there isn't enough evidence against over-the-counter meds or some prescription meds for people to stop taking them. Do you really want to take that chance. Is it worth risking your life over some pain relief? Take a good look at your diet! Nutrition alone possesses simple but amazing solutions for pain relief. As a believer in natural solutions for whatever ails the human body, it would be a crime if I forgot to talk about nutrition. Just dropping a few sweets from your daily diet can really help your nasty inflammation and pain. This is because sugar raises your insulin levels. High insulin levels stir up "bad" prostaglandins that produce pain and inflammation. No matter what, you should increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids! This is because research shows that Omega-3 fatty acids improve your overall cardiovascular system. They act as a natural blood thinner to promote better circulation. They lower cholesterol and blood pressure. They are also shown to promote the "good" prostaglandins that actually reduce inflammation naturally. The best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, herring, sardines, halibut, mackerel, and tuna. Canola oil, flaxseed oil, and leafy green vegetables are also good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Yes, that's right...canola oil. Read my exclusive report on canola oil found in the Mike Saros forum. At the same time you should decrease your intake of Omega-6 fatty acids. One of the reasons you may have severe tendonitis or inflammation is because your balance of fatty acids is out of whack. As a society we consume way too many Omega-6 fatty acids. These are found in sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and safflower oil. They are in margarine, salad dressing and mayonnaise. They are also known as saturated fats. So we need to cut down on the Omega-6 and increase the Omega-3 fatty acids. This will increase your level of "good" prostaglandins and decrease your level of "bad" ones and consequently improve your tendonitis naturally. Practice safe exercises and prevention techniques. Be sure to warm up and cool down before and after exercising. Be sure to do a slow and controlled stretch during your exercises. Make sure your equipment is not too heavy and try to avoid awkward positions and incorrect repetitive motions that may put unnecessary strain on your tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Try to avoid exercising in cold temperatures. Finally, try not to overdo it or exercise too frequently which may lead to injury, pain, and inflammation. Listen, I know this can be boring but it is important for you to understand. Your body needs prostaglandins because they serve numerous functions. Drugs like over-the-counter pain relievers and prescription pain relievers take it to the extreme. It's almost all or nothing for them. By wiping out the prostaglandins that cause inflammation, they also hurt your body's ability to fight infection and heal damaged joints and cartilage in certain areas. Remember the white blood cells. They are attracted to prostaglandins. If there aren't any prostaglandins, then your immune system can't properly do its job. Over time, this can lead to more serious infection and other diseases. Don't forget about the heart attack and stroke risks! These drugs also hamper your body's ability to prevent blood clots. This is because some prostaglandins play a key role in dilating blood vessels and clearing a smooth path for your circulatory system. You need to find a balance! In a way, it is similar to a campfire. For example, let's imagine we are camping and we are building a fire. We don't want a fire too big because it will burn down the camp. On the other hand, we don't want to put out the fire either. We want a nice medium or a balance so we can stay warm and comfortable and (Ha-Ha) cook marshmallows. Now imagine the fire is in our bodies. It is the burning pain we feel from tendonitis. We want to put the fire out but still protect our cardiovascular system and immune system. We don't want to go overkill on the prostaglandins. We need to find a nice equilibrium of good and bad. Only then will we find the best and the right solution for tendonitis pain. SPECIAL REPORT # 4 How all-natural pain relievers are a safer alternative to prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines without the gastrointestinal side effects and cardiovascular risks of heart attack and stroke? Let me share with you an article in Newsweek from summer 2005. The cover of the magazine reads "Your Health In The 21st Century." In this particular issue is an article called "Quieting A Body's Defenses." It is about inflammation and ways of treating it. You may have read it yourself. Greg Cole, a professor of medicine and neurology at UCLA stated "while drugs usually block a single target molecule and reduce its activity dramatically, natural anti-inflammatories generally tweak a broader range of inflammatory compounds." In a direct quote, he says, "You'll get greater safety and efficacy reducing five inflammatory mediators by 30% than reducing one by 100 percent" (p.2 . This means we can't afford to interrupt key activities in our body that protect us from infection and the risk of heart attack and stroke. Prescription drugs put us at risk by shutting down key bodily functions that protect us from heart attack and stroke. Most popular over-the-counter pain relievers besides aspirin have these same cardiovascular risks. Over-the-counter medicines also have serious gastrointestinal side effects such as stomach irritation, bleeding, heartburn and ulcers. They also can cause kidney problems. So what can natural remedies like Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite do for your pain and inflammation? Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite are non-addictive, all-natural pain relievers that come without side effects. There are 4 reasons why these natural remedies are right for you! 1. They contain several natural anti-inflammatories that promote a good balance between the "good" prostaglandins and the "bad" prostaglandins. In other words, you have a "controlled campfire" where your inflammation and pain are diminished but your body can still perform its necessary functions. 2. They contain natural blood thinners that increase blood circulation so your area of inflammation heals faster. This also guards against blood clots that may cause a heart attack or stroke. 3. They contain several ingredients that work alongside (rather than suppress) your immune system to help your body quickly repair damaged joints, disks, nerves and cartilage and protect you from infection and disease. 4. They effectively and safely alleviate you from pain and inflammation the right way without compromising your cardiovascular system, immune system, and gastrointestinal tract. There are better alternatives out there besides prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers that are much simpler and safer for you. You don't have to compromise your immune system or cardiovascular health. Total Tendonitis Relief and Back Relief Elite are great alternatives to these drugs because they safely relieve pain and inflammation while still allowing your body to protect itself from infection and maintain a strong cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract without the risks of heart attack, stroke, and ulcers. I can't put it any better than that. Prescription drugs and over-the-counter pain relievers put us at risk by shutting down too much. The Cox-2 inhibitors “inhibit” key bodily functions that protect us. We need to be smarter. We can do that by educating ourselves on natural alternatives. We need to take better care of ourselves by exercising and sticking with a sound nutrition plan. You can start today to get rid of your inflammation by what you have just learned. In conclusion, don't forget to watch your sugar and eat more Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Sugar leads to insulin and insulin leads to "bad" pgs that is only going to make tendonitis and pain in general worse. An increase in your Omega-3 fatty acids will help promote more "good" prostaglandins and give you the right balance you want. You should get these from whole foods such as salmon, tuna, and leafy green vegetables. Of course, don't forget safe and natural alternatives to your pain! 5 Reasons Why Our Natural Remedies™ Are More Effective And Safe Than Other Products. 1) In our natural remedies, you will not find a more complete formulation of natural ingredients anywhere. Nothing else is even comparable. 2) In our natural remedies we offer several natural and proven anti-inflammatories that calm several of your body's inflammatory responses and still allow your body to perform key necessary functions that protect you from heart disease, stroke, and ulcers. 3) Instead of suppressing your immune system, our natural remedies work alongside it to help repair damage to soft tissue in your body and thwart off potential disease and infection. 4) Our natural remedies are completely safe and without the risks and side effects you will commonly find in prescription and over-the-counter medicines. 5) Our natural remedies promote blood circulation so you heal faster and calm several anti-inflammatory mediators in your body instead of just one to give you long-lasting soothing relief for your pain and inflammation. Visit www.BackReliefElite.com or www.TotalTendonitisRelief.com today!
The simple answer is that it is safer, more cost-effective and more effective for getting rid of back pain especially in the long-term. Allow me to explain. Over-the-counter or prescription drugs usually contain a very strong dose of one particular substance. The strong effect that over-the-counter and prescription drugs has on the human body does not come without consequences. Lots of times these drugs have a negative effect on your stomach. They may cause gastric upset, nausea, cramping or bleeding. They put a tremendous strain on your liver and kidneys because they are in fact toxic or poisonous. They have to be very pure or toxic in order to achieve their desired effect. Many of the drugs especially prescription pain relievers may put you at greater risk for heart attack and stroke. This is because several of them may inhibit your body's own ability to reduce blood clots. Finally, what really makes drugs unsafe is their uncanny ability to suppress your immune system. This can be very dangerous especially in the long-term. If you are interested in learning more about the dangers of prescription and over-the-counter drugs be sure to read my special reports on tendonitis pain and inflammation found in the Mike Saros forum. Back Relief Elite is safer because it rarely if at all contains side effects to your liver, heart, stomach and kidneys. The reason for this is because the herbal and nutritional ingredients in Back Relief Elite are in very limited or small dosages. Now, of course, this begs the question, "How does Back Relief Elite work to get rid of back pain." Well, to be honest, nobody really knows. This is mainly because of the dominance of allopathic medicine or the conventional medicine of today. Not enough research is carried out on the synergestic effect of herbs. By synergestic I mean the right combination of herbs in one formula can produce a very powerful desired effect. The trick is finding the right combination of herbs and nutrients to produce a quality effect. This is what we've tried to do here at Exclusive Health Products. We have found the best combination of herbs and nutrients to help relieve people's back pain. Thousands of people have found true back relief and enjoyed the liberation from over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Thousands of Back Relief Elite clients are now enjoying back relief without worrying about side effects to their stomach, liver, kidneys and heart. Thousands of people are benefiting from Back Relief Elite that does not suppress the immune system but rather works alongside it to facilitate the body's natural healing processes. So what does all this mean for you? Basically you can enjoy back pain relief without the worry of side effects or addiction. You don't have to worry about your body's immune system being weakened. You won't have to worry about spending extravagant amounts of money on prescription drugs. You won't even need a prescription. Most importantly you will be back pain-free for the long-term instead of the relative short-term.

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